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Uncommon Knowledge Blog

Uncommon self help articles for anxiety, self esteem, confidence, peak performance and more. Plus everything you need to know about hypnosis and why it can be such an effective tool for mental health.

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  • Lose Weight/Gain Weight - What's Your Perfect Body?

    Whether male or female, it seems our modern Holy Grail is the ideal body. We're all encouraged to idealize physical perfection and to make our own bodies as near to ideal as possible. Of course, the 'perfect body' is perceived as different for both men and women.
  • How to End a Relationship the Right Way

    To end a relationship is a big decision, worsened by that heart-sinking feeling of knowing you have to tell them. The actual thought of breaking the news to your soon-to-be-ex can make you feel anxious, even terrified. Sometimes it seems easier to continue with what isn't working than to 'upset the...
  • Stop Arguing Your Relationships to Death

    Sure, most of us argue sometimes and it would be a boring world if we all saw things in exactly the same way. But destructive arguing can destroy valuable relationships. The opposite of arguing isn't agreement in all things, it's knowing how to disagree and still maintain mutual respect and liking.
  • The Pitfalls of Positive Thinking

    Do you ever feel like you should be positive but you just don't feel it? No matter how hard you try to look on the bright side?
  • How to Watch Less TV

    You've maybe heard it said that as a person is drowning, their whole life plays before their eyes. But imagine if most of your memories are not yours at all but made up of thousands of hours of other people's experiences. Many people's future memories will be passively absorbed chunks of other...
  • Put the Spark, Fun and Excitement back into Your Relationship

    There they sat, both about fifty. I guessed they'd been together since Paleo times, but even so, I was struck by the sheer boredom emanating from each of them toward one another. They didn't speak; not an angry silence, but a "What possibly else can there ever be to talk about? We've said it all."...

All about Hypnosis:

Relationship Help Articles:

  • 7 Tips to Overcome the Fear of Rejection

    Fear should keep us alert and safe - like the beam from a lighthouse warning ships of submerged dangers. But too much fear, like a super-beam of light blinding the ship's captain, can cause the loss of the very thing we feared losing.
  • Do Your Relationships Damage Your Self-Esteem? (And what to do about it)

    Your self-esteem shouldn't be totally dependent on the person with whom you happen to be in a relationship. But the fact is, relationships do have a big impact on the way you feel. And that includes the way you feel about yourself.
  • All About Sibling Rivalry

    Sibling rivalry can be complex. You might love your sibling but resent them. What's more, the intensity of your resentment can leave you baffled: "I'm an adult now; why does it still hurt so much?!"

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  • Learn Hypnosis Image

    Learn Hypnosis in 5 Days

    If you want to learn hypnosis online, this short course describing the use of voice tonality, sentence structures and word choice can teach you the fundamentals of hypnosis quickly.
  • Growth Zone Image

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    Give us your suggestion for a new title and win a Growth Zone membership. Competition is drawn every month.
  • Ask Mark a question here

    Ask Mark

    Using his own Uncommon brand of psychology, Mark has been a therapist for 25 years and a bit of a superhero to our customers. Ask him a question here.

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