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39+ Communication Skills Hypnosis Sessions

Improve your interactions and relationships with unconscious skills training

Communication skills are essential to the success of every kind of relationship and interaction. Whether you're dealing with family, friends, colleagues, strangers, officials, superiors, subordinates or children, and whatever their own abilities in communication, you need to be able to comfortably say what you need, in the right way, at the right time, so as to get the best possible result from every encounter. And you also need to be able to take in and deal with what others are saying to you.

Once you've learned the basics of how to talk, which most of us master in childhood, you don't get much further help with how to communicate better. It's a hit and miss, trial and error business - and it can leave many people struggling, wondering why they can't get on with others, or get their needs properly met.

Self hypnosis is a wonderful and easy way to build up your communication skills. Our range of communication downloads offers you really effective help in making good any shortfall in how you handle social interaction, or in enhancing what you already do well so that you can enjoy communicating with others even more.

Our recommendations for money-saving hypnosis packs ...

Assert Yourself Pack

Assert Yourself Pack

Learn to say what you mean, calmly and clearly with this 5 audio hypnosis pack

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Be Less Negative Pack

Be Less Negative Pack

Developing positive habits of mind will help you in more ways than you can imagine

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Overcome Shyness Pack

Overcome Shyness Pack

Rip off the 'shy' label and really enjoy making new friends.

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Attracting Women Pack

Attracting Women Pack

5 hypnosis sessions to train your mind and body to give off the right signals to women

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Boldness Booster Pack

Boldness Booster Pack

Become more confident in yourself and relieve the anxiety about being yourself

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Gain Social Excellence Pack

Gain Social Excellence

Go from feeling awkward to awesome in company, using relaxing hypnosis

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day money-back guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our products out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.