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Dealing with Difficult People: 15+ Hypnosis Sessions

We all know people we would describe as 'difficult'. Difficult people can range from the mildly irritating to the totally impossible-to-deal-with. If you have one or more of the latter kind in your life, you can experience a great deal of stress and worry that you would rather be without.

Our Dealing with Difficult People range of hypnosis downloads is designed to give you effective new strategies and skills to make handling those tricky types easier. And it's not just about managing the relationship better on the surface - it's also about reducing the real impact these people have on your life.

Once you have listened to your Difficult People session, you will find that the next encounter with that person is somehow just much easier and perhaps even productive.

Our recommendations for money-saving hypnosis packs ...

Difficult People Skills Pack

How to Deal with Difficult People

Learn how to stay calm with a variety of awkward, rude or downright difficult people

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Assert Yourself Pack

Assert Yourself Pack

Learn to say what you mean, calmly and clearly with this 5 audio hypnosis pack

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Advanced Social Skills Pack

Advanced Social Skills Pack

Learn to let your social skills shine by teaching your conscious mind to take a back seat

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All our 'Dealing with Difficult People' self hypnosis sessions ...

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day money-back guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our products out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.