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27+ Sports Performance Hypnosis Audios

Choose from the range of sessions below to improve your chosen sport

Sports performance, as every serious sportsperson knows, is as much about what's going on in your head as what's going on in your body. We've all seen top-notch golfers lose their game for years on end, or sprinters lose those critical hundredths of a second that make the difference at the finishing line, due to a seemingly insuperable anxiety about the outcome.

Our sports performance hypnosis audios are solidly based on the latest psychological research into what distinguishes the top performers from the rest, and how you get that edge. (1)

These sports hypnosis sessions will help you fine tune your game so that, whatever field of sports you engage in, you get the very best from yourself, physically, mentally, emotionally. You'll learn how to cultivate - and maintain - the attitudes and determination that take you to the next level.

And after all, as a sportsperson you spend long enough training your body - why not spend a little on your brain?

1 Sports Hypnosis: The Athlete's Ultimate "Secret Weapon"

Our recommendations for money-saving hypnosis packs ...

Ultimate Concentration Pack

Ultimate Concentration Pack

Fulfil your potential by training your brain to maintain laser-like focus and concentration

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Total Fitness Motivation Pack

Total Fitness Motivation Pack

Escape the boom-and-bust pattern of exercise by permanently changing your unconscious attitude to fitness.

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Supreme Sports Success Pack

Supreme Sports Success Pack

Keep your eyes on the prize in all you do and develop the mental attitude to take you to the top

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All our 'Sports Performance' self hypnosis sessions ...

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day money-back guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our products out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.