Fears and Phobias articles

Read our Fears and Phobias articles below or browse our Fears and Phobias hypnosis sessions here.

Do You Have a Phobia of Being Alone?

Being alone can be a pleasure, a self-imposed state induced by social anxiety, or enough to cause a fear amounting to phobia (sometimes called monophobia) so bad that it drives people to do anything other than spend time alone.

Overcome the Fear of Going Crazy

She fears she's going crazy. He wants her to think she's going mad so he can have her locked up in an institution. This scary plot from the 1944 film Gaslight hits a real nerve for many people. After all, who hasn't sometimes worried they might be...well, losing it?

How to Overcome Fear of Heights

I'd never had a fear of heights until now, but as the crane took me higher, I noticed with increasing alarm the sounds from the ground far below now becoming muted; the crowd distant. Oh no! I began to breathe rapidly and sweat like a dressed up pig in a sauna whilst my thoughts raced away quicker than a missed train.

How to Overcome Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is closely linked to fear of rejection and criticism from others, as well as to procrastination and excuse making. You can always create an excuse not to do anything, no matter how potentially valuable and rewarding. It's just whether you choose to believe those excuses.

How to Overcome Fear

Fear is a survival response that can be mastered with the right techniques. Here are five tips to help you better understand fear, so you can defeat it.

Overcome Needle Phobia

David explained to me how he'd been traumatized at school when having inoculations. More recently, he'd tried to overcome his needle phobia by attempting to give blood. The terror had been so intense, he'd ripped out the needle and fainted.

Overcoming Test and Exam Performance Anxiety

Jolie's doctor had said that her recent insomnia and tearfulness was due to anxiety over a forthcoming test; he had recommended that she came to see me as relaxation skills might help more than drugs...

Dealing with a Fear of Death

Natural fear of death - such as any of us would experience if, say, confronted by an axe-wielding maniac or an aggressive illness - had for Gillian become an obsession, something that ate into, chewed up, and spat out her good times and kept her awake at nights.

3 Simple Steps to Fearless Phone Calls

He wasn't merely anxious about using the phone; he was terrified. But he had good reason. During his wartime experience in the trenches, a shell had exploded just as he was dialling the telephone.

7 Steps to Stop a Panic Attack

"One moment I was driving along thinking about work. The next, I felt like I was going to die! I got really hot, started breathing hard, began to sweat, became tearful, and my pounding heart felt like it was going to burst!" She trembled as she spoke; even recalling it made her tearful.