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Uncommon Knowledge Blog

Uncommon self help articles for anxiety, self esteem, confidence, peak performance and more. Plus everything you need to know about hypnosis and why it can be such an effective tool for mental health.

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  • Do You Have an Inferiority Complex?

    Most of us compare ourselves to others. Mass media beams in the finest looking, richest, and most talented people into our lives 24/7. This creates the illusion that we 'know' all these beautiful, clever, younger, athletic, rich, able people. Because we compare ourselves to people we know, this...
  • 7 Weight Loss Motivation Tips That Work

    She came to see me. Sheila was her name: "It's always the same. I get motivated for a few weeks, lose weight, then something happens and I pile it all on again and more! I'm getting married in three months! You'd think that would be motivation enough but my weight's been even more all over the...
  • Am I Really Bipolar?

    Before the mid 1990s, bipolar disorder affected ten in a million people. Now it's one in twenty. What happened?
  • Take Control of Yourself

    Ever heard of Dr Faustus? He was the chap who sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for twenty-four years of ultimate personal indulgence. He gets to kiss (and more) that ship-launching incomparable beauty Helen of Troy and do all kinds of things that you or I would probably quite like to do given...
  • Increase Your Running Endurance

    If you want to get the psychological edge (bearing in mind that the mind will always influence the body), then try these tips to up your running endurance to get fitter and/or to perform better in races and even smash records.
  • How Self Hypnosis Saved a Life

    “I was diagnosed with cancer, I got divorced, and I went through hell financially for a couple of years… but one thing I kept was self hypnosis. I used it every day to relax, to feel positive even when things were really bad.”

All about Hypnosis:

Relationship Help Articles:

  • 7 Tips to Overcome the Fear of Rejection

    Fear should keep us alert and safe - like the beam from a lighthouse warning ships of submerged dangers. But too much fear, like a super-beam of light blinding the ship's captain, can cause the loss of the very thing we feared losing.
  • Do Your Relationships Damage Your Self-Esteem? (And what to do about it)

    Your self-esteem shouldn't be totally dependent on the person with whom you happen to be in a relationship. But the fact is, relationships do have a big impact on the way you feel. And that includes the way you feel about yourself.
  • All About Sibling Rivalry

    Sibling rivalry can be complex. You might love your sibling but resent them. What's more, the intensity of your resentment can leave you baffled: "I'm an adult now; why does it still hurt so much?!"

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  • Learn Hypnosis Image

    Learn Hypnosis in 5 Days

    If you want to learn hypnosis online, this short course describing the use of voice tonality, sentence structures and word choice can teach you the fundamentals of hypnosis quickly.
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