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Uncommon Knowledge Blog

Uncommon self help articles for anxiety, self esteem, confidence, peak performance and more. Plus everything you need to know about hypnosis and why it can be such an effective tool for mental health.

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  • Who Wouldn’t Want to Be More Charismatic?

    If you're in the market to be more charismatic, here's a riddle for you: What makes you attractive even if you're ugly? What moves people to take notice even if you're penniless? What invisible 'magic' can seduce, convince, inspire, and mesmerize others? You're ahead of me - it's charisma, of...
  • Achieving Alcohol Withdrawal

    Alcohol withdrawal needs to be approached in just the right way and if you have been drinking profusely, then I urge you to seek medical assistance. The tips in this article can be used as an adjunct to supervised medical alcohol withdrawal.
  • Maximize Your Motivation, Determination, and Perseverance

    As a prisoner of war in the steamy jungles of Vietnam, he held out for months, repeatedly refusing to sign documents decrying American aggression in Southeast Asia presented to him by the North Vietnamese after his crash and imprisonment. During these times, he drew inspiration from the memory of...
  • Overcome Fear of Heights

    I'd never had a fear of heights until now, but as the crane took me higher, I noticed with increasing alarm the sounds from the ground far below now becoming muted; the crowd distant. Oh no! I began to breathe rapidly and sweat like a dressed up pig in a sauna whilst my thoughts raced away quicker...
  • How to Stop Worrying What Other People Think

    I've met people who don't care at all what others think. These may be lovely people in some ways, but they tend to do to social situations what, say, an unseasonable heat wave might do to the Winter Olympics. Still, in some ways you can envy them.
  • Flirting Tips Made Simple

    She was out of - no, infinitely beyond - my league. In fact, my team should scrap thoughts of ever being in any league again. She radiated gorgeousness, a knowing blend of Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly (both of whom would have been dimmed by her radiance). Alabaster skin, curves like the Amazon,...

All about Hypnosis:

Relationship Help Articles:

  • 7 Tips to Overcome the Fear of Rejection

    Fear should keep us alert and safe - like the beam from a lighthouse warning ships of submerged dangers. But too much fear, like a super-beam of light blinding the ship's captain, can cause the loss of the very thing we feared losing.
  • Do Your Relationships Damage Your Self-Esteem? (And what to do about it)

    Your self-esteem shouldn't be totally dependent on the person with whom you happen to be in a relationship. But the fact is, relationships do have a big impact on the way you feel. And that includes the way you feel about yourself.
  • All About Sibling Rivalry

    Sibling rivalry can be complex. You might love your sibling but resent them. What's more, the intensity of your resentment can leave you baffled: "I'm an adult now; why does it still hurt so much?!"

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  • Learn Hypnosis Image

    Learn Hypnosis in 5 Days

    If you want to learn hypnosis online, this short course describing the use of voice tonality, sentence structures and word choice can teach you the fundamentals of hypnosis quickly.
  • Growth Zone Image

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    Give us your suggestion for a new title and win a Growth Zone membership. Competition is drawn every month.
  • Ask Mark a question here

    Ask Mark

    Using his own Uncommon brand of psychology, Mark has been a therapist for 25 years and a bit of a superhero to our customers. Ask him a question here.

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