91+ Hypnosis Sessions For Health Issues

I would estimate he had about 14 warts on his hands.... The other day he showed me his hands and I couldn't believe what I saw.
Melissa Armer, homemaker, Los Angeles, California *
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Our range of hypnosis for health issues goes further than just motivation to 'be healthy'. In our sessions we apply the most up-to-date understanding of the subtle mind-body connections that influence the physical health of the human body. Hypnosis is proven to measurably influence blood pressure(1), immune response(2), healing rates(3), digestion(4) and numerous other functions. When you want to look after your health, one of our downloads will be able to help.
Hypnosis is a great tool for helping you manage any number of health issues including high blood pressure, excessive sweating and teeth grinding. Check out over 70 titles below.
Our recommendations for money-saving hypnosis packs ...
Retrain your mind and body to fall asleep fast, and say goodnight to insomnia
Complete Stress Management Pack
Develop attitudes of mind that will protect you from stress in all areas of your life
Escape the boom-and-bust pattern of exercise by permanently changing your unconscious attitude to fitness.
All our 'Health Issues' self hypnosis sessions ...
(1) Blood pressure: Deabler, H. L., Fidel, E., Dillenkoffer, R. L., & Elder, S. T. (1973). The use of relaxation and hypnosis in lowering blood pressure. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 16, 75-83.
(2) Immune response: Olness, K., Culbert, T., & Uden, D. (1989). Self-regulation of salivary immunoglobulin A by children. Pediatrics, 83, 66-71.
(3) Faster healing:
"Surgical wounds mend faster" (Cromie, W.J.(2003) 'Hypnosis helps healing, Harvard University Gazette, May 8th 2003)
(4) Digestive problems:
'Over 200 patients with bowel problems underwent 12 sessions of hypnotherapy over a three-month period. At the beginning and end of this period, they completed questionnaires on topics such as bowel symptoms, quality of life and depression. According to the researchers based at the University Hospital of South Manchester in Britain, 'a marked improvement was seen in all symptom measures, quality of life and anxiety and depression'.
* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day money-back guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our products out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.
Health Issues articles on Uncommon Knowledge Blog
The paradox of hypochondria is that the sufferer often knows they are a hypochondriac even whilst maintaining they are justified in believing they are ill.
Natural Wart Treatment: How hypnosis can help
It used to be believed that warts were caught from handling frogs or, more specifically, toads (warts are viral, but not toad-related). It was also believed that the local practitioner of magic could 'charm them' away.
How to Improve Blood Circulation
"I've been told I've got poor blood circulation and if I don't do something about it, I could be dead before I'm fifty!" Brian was morbidly overweight, stank of cigarettes, and admitted to a "terrible temper" - all these things individually can contribute to high blood pressure.