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Job Skills Hypnosis Scripts

You can make a big difference to your clients who are experiencing difficulty in their working lives by getting them to focus on learning job skills. Not 'technical' skills so much as the 'soft skills' of attitudes, attributes, and working style that are the real measure of how employable someone is.

Our range of hypnosis scripts for helping with learning job skills covers a wide spectrum of work related situations that might present difficulties. They focus on dealing with unconscious blocks and developing the appropriate attitudes and behaviors to make working life more successful and rewarding at all levels.

Each script tackles a particular issue and it's easy to put together an appropriate selection of sessions to address the particular needs of individual clients.

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day money-back guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our products out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.