Use the Overcome Fear of the Police Hypnosis Script to Keep Your Clients Feeling Calm and Collected

Replace that old fearful association with one of calm clarity

Fear of the police may be linked to genuine negative experiences, or it may simply be a result of unconscious expectations. Whether the fear is grounded in reality or not, it is far from helpful when dealing with the police.

The Overcome Fear of the Police Hypnosis Script from The Script Collection was put together to help clients let go of their negative associations with the police and instead connect with a sense of calm in their presence.

The pre-talk acknowledges that fear of the police is not always irrational, that police corruption is a real phenomenon and that it is sensible never to blindly trust anyone. However, it notes that police are always fundamentally "just people doing their jobs." It reminds the client that there are many "positive, inspiring, heroic" stories of the police and many "genuinely good" police officers.

Ultimately, it is suggested that one should always be "calm, polite, and respectful" when dealing with the police. The client is reassured that this session will help them to access a "grounded state of calm, cool-headed clarity" in all their dealings with the police and will take the emotional charge out of any negative memories of the police.

An extended induction begins by guiding the client to breathe deeply and slowly, and to "luxuriate" in the smooth, flowing nature of the breath. Calming imagery of ocean waves beneath the stars supports the client to descend into a state of rest. It is suggested that in this new state, they can "make lasting, positive changes within."

An embedded command instructing the client to begin the process of change leads directly into a description of a state of flow, guiding the client to enter such a state themselves. As they do, the script describes a "glowing light of calm" that permeates every part of their body in turn, preparing the body for unconscious change.

When the light finally reaches the toes, the client is instructed to notice how the sense of whole-body calm plunges them into deeper and deeper relaxation. They are taken on a stroll "through a beautiful landscape," where they can feel that relaxation deepen even further "with each step" as calm clarity penetrates into "the very depths of [their] being."

Finally, the client reaches a stone archway, and steps into "a place of complete peace" where they can "settle down" and "simply be." From this place of profound calm, they are guided to recognize that "beneath it all... we are all human," we are all connected.

The analogy of a dog trainer using her voice and body language to convey calm and encourage that same calm in the dogs demonstrates that emotions can be contagious, deeply influencing other people's states of mind. Similarly, the script gives an example of scientists building peaceful, mutually respectful relationships with primates simply by relating to them with demonstrations of calm respect.

Now the client is asked to think of a past interaction with the police where "this kind of deep calm would have been really useful." They are instructed to see that time playing out on a screen, and to fast-forward through it to a point where they had calmed right down. They are then asked to merge with that younger self in the video.

Now, the client is instructed to rewind the video "from the inside" to before the event ever occurred. In this way, they are able to experience the event in a way that strips it of all emotion. They are then asked to move back outside of that younger self, but to stay by their side, helping them to understand "what's going to be most useful" in the situation ahead and teaching them how to deal with the situation with calm clarity.

Now the script explores the difference in how the client now thinks about not only past experiences with the police but also potential future interactions with the police. The client is guided to notice how symbols and sounds associated with the police now prompt a sense of calm rather than fear.

We return now to the idea that we are all just humans, and that we can tune out police just as we tune out the many other strangers we pass by in our everyday lives. It is suggested that the client can discover a "new calm ease and confidence" in the way they relate not just to the police but to all humans, including themselves.

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