Help Your Client Overcome Life Dissatisfaction and Live a More Fulfilling Life

Give your client the mental tools to recognize and meet their primal human needs

Dissatisfaction is a common feeling with varying levels of seriousness. While it can be a great motivator, people who experience long-term discontent with life are at increased risk of poor mental health and depression.1

The Overcome Life Dissatisfaction Hypnosis Script from The Script Collection was put together to help clients increase their feelings of fulfillment.

The script opens with an extended pre-talk that explains the root cause of life dissatisfaction: a failure to meet basic human needs. A few basic needs are listed, and the client is assured that once they understand which needs are not being met, they will be able to effect positive change. More than that, the session will help ease the "psychological indigestion" that prevents them from noticing and appreciating times when their needs are being met.

Next, the pre-talk outlines three specific ways the session will help the client: by leading clients to notice and appreciate when their basic needs are being met, helping them adjust their expectations, and building their capacity to make changes.

The induction begins with flowing language, which creates a sense of drifting into comfort. The client is reassured they don't need to consciously try to relax. Rather, sense memories of bedtime are invoked to gently guide them into a deep feeling of calm.

The client is asked to recall a time of "deep contentment." They are urged to develop the memory until it becomes vivid and immediate, allowing them to "experience this ease and fulfilment from the inside." Embedded commands instruct them to relax even deeper.

Now the trancework begins as sleepiness and hunger are presented as metaphors for life satisfaction. Everyone oscillates between sleepiness and wakefulness, hunger and satiety, and so too satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The client is assured they can "hunger for more" at the same time as being satisfied with what they already have - and that this can even be a good thing, as this hunger can function as the impetus to make positive changes.

Embedded commands help the client to notice and observe the fulfilments and satisfactions that already exist in their life. They are asked to appreciate moments such as connecting with a friend, completing a task, feelings of safety and comfort, and the knowledge that they are part of something bigger. The client is reminded that the "true story" of their life includes instances in which they've felt true satisfaction, genuinely laughed, and been surprised by how much fun they've had.

The focus is now shifted to dissatisfaction. The client is reminded that dissatisfaction can signal when a need is unmet. However, it can also occur after other people have "implanted an idea" that does not belong. Advertisements and social media posts can "stir up discontent" by tricking the brain into being hungry for a new gadget.

With this in mind, the client's focus is turned inward. They are guided to let other people's ideas and expectations "recede far away" as they glide through time and space, finally coming to a rest in a peaceful sanctuary deep within their mind.

In this space, the client is led to "notice the beauty" and the "calm, expansive clarity" that a new perspective brings. It's likened to the middle of an extended vacation, in which we can shrug off the weight of the world and come to new ideas about how we want to "start doing things differently."

From this mindset, the client is encouraged to gain a sense of what is "truly important" and "congruent with who [they] are." As they notice the path ahead of them becoming clearer, an embedded command prompts them to commit to this path in a way that feels "deeply right."

Now, the client is asked to get a sense of a future self living a life that fulfils their needs and feeling deeply satisfied. A countdown leads the client to merge with this future self, and embedded commands help them to integrate the "deep satisfaction and fulfillment" into their being as they notice and appreciate how "things are coming together."

The client is reminded that it's okay to "seek out more" to get their needs met and feel truly fulfilled, while also feeling deeply satisfied with what they already have.

Add the Overcome Life Dissatisfaction Hypnosis Script to your script library today.

Overcome Life Dissatisfaction is also available as an MP3 download.


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