Build grit and determination in your clients with the Develop Supreme Mental Toughness Hypnosis Script
Help your clients build the skills and resources to persist towards their goals even in the face of adversity
One of the greatest factors affecting whether people succeed in reaching their goals is their mental toughness, or grit: the capacity and willingness to keep going, no matter how hard it gets or what obstacles may stand in the way.
The Develop Supreme Mental Toughness Hypnosis Script from The Script Collection was put together to help clients develop the skills to maintain their resolve and push forward even in the face of setbacks.
The pre-talk discusses how people with great talent often don't live up to their "potential," and likewise, people with average abilities can end up achieving incredible things. It references a study that showed why this is: it was not intelligence, fitness, or leadership skills that determined success at a brutal training program for army cadets, but grit.
The pre-talk concludes by outlining the three core elements of grit that the hypnosis session aims to develop: a robust self-concept, the ability to manage your state of mind, and a sense of connection to the purpose behind the goal.
The induction begins by drawing the client's attention to the sound of the words, rather than necessarily focusing on their meaning. They are encouraged to start to drift into a "different space" in their mind as suggestions are made as to how the mind can naturally learn, reconfigure, and effect change on a subconscious level without any conscious effort.
Embedded commands instruct the client to rest and relax as they are guided into a "sanctuary of peace and calm." They are asked to notice the sounds, colors, and textures that contribute to that ever-deepening sense of relaxation.
Now a countdown gives the client time to prepare to enter a state of peak performance. As the countdown begins, the analogy of a loosening knot encourages the client to release any remaining tension from the body, before the analogy of a still lake promotes total calm and clarity of the mind.
As the countdown reaches one, the client is instructed to enter a state of "complete clarity and focus." Again an analogy is used as an aid, this time a tiger watching its prey, with powerful attention and dynamic focus. The client is guided to notice how the body feels when they are immersed in this deep focus, and to observe where that energy is concentrated.
Slowly, step by step, the client is guided through the process of engaging in their sport. They are guided to use their breath to release any distractions before surging into action, feeling an immense, concentrated determination as they do. Now they are asked to feel that power and focus kick into even higher gear "just when things seemed not to be going your way," discovering ever deeper reserves of power, drive, and grit.
Having experienced this sense of profound grit and determination, the client is now encouraged to reflect on how this changes their sense of self. The script guides this reflection, helping them recognize that no matter how strong they are, they are always learning, and there is always more to strive for and achieve. Finally, the focus moves to the deep sense of purpose and meaning behind this continual push to become stronger, building the client's willpower.
Now that the client has accessed these deep reserves of mental toughness, the situation of a setback is broached. The client is asked to notice that the same strength and determination are still there, and acknowledge that the emotions of the setback will pass, giving way to even greater strength and resilience, and even more successes and wins.
The concluding passage pulls everything together, with plenty of embedded commands to help the client "honestly and fully integrate" what they have absorbed during the session. They are encouraged to internalize this new version of self as "who they are": tough, resilient, and focused, but still a work in progress, capable of infinite improvement. Finally, the client is given permission to simply relax, forming a parallel with the importance of rest and recovery.
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