Author Archive for mark.tyrrell

Increase Your Running Endurance

If you want to get the psychological edge (bearing in mind that the mind will always influence the body), then try these tips to up your running endurance to get fitter and/or to perform better in races and even smash records.

How Self Hypnosis Saved a Life

“I was diagnosed with cancer, I got divorced, and I went through hell financially for a couple of years… but one thing I kept was self hypnosis. I used it every day to relax, to feel positive even when things were really bad.”

How to Stop Obsessive Cleaning

A woman joked to me once that she wished her husband could develop an addictive fascination with tidying! Could I, she wondered, help implant a "mania for cleanliness" in her husband using the dark arts of hypnosis?

Overcome Exam and Test Nerves

Once, a beautiful princess sat by an ornate pool in her palace grounds. As she peered down, admiring her beautiful reflection in the surface of the clear pool, her priceless crown suddenly slipped from her head and into the waters with a splash.

Panic Attacks Online Course

Learn what panic attacks are and what you can do to stop them happening.