Author Archive for mark.tyrrell

Is Negative Self-Hypnosis Ruining Your Life?

How to free yourself from negative hypnotic states that make you anxious, angry, or afraid.

Overcome Victim Mentality

When you are proactive and put plans into action, you may find you don't always have to wait for the 'cage door' to open. You may just find you can force it open yourself.

Do You Want to Stop Seeking Approval?

One grave problem with chronic approval seeking is that it leaves you vulnerable to being manipulated by others. People pick up that you're anxious to please them, that your main priority is that 'everything be okay'. Another problem with being too eager to gain approval is that it can get in the way of actually being effective in a situation.

7 Steps to Stop a Panic Attack

"One moment I was driving along thinking about work. The next, I felt like I was going to die! I got really hot, started breathing hard, began to sweat, became tearful, and my pounding heart felt like it was going to burst!" She trembled as she spoke; even recalling it made her tearful.

Five Uncommon Perspectives on Procrastination

Understand your own approach to getting things done (or not!)