Author Archive for mark.tyrrell

Stop Migraine Headaches

What was happening to me? One moment I was feeling fine among high school classmates gathered around the piano as another boy played; the next, I was nauseous, seeing flashing lights, and feeling like a number twelve boot had been solidly placed, at great speed, into the side of my head.

Overcome Noise Sensitivity

Noise sensitivity - technically known as misophonia - isn't just a mild irritation or dislike of noises. For the sufferer, the noises become over-riding obsessions and can lead to depression, anxiety, and severe anger.

Overcome a Fear of Talking on the Phone

He wasn't merely anxious about using the phone; he was terrified. But he had good reason. During his wartime experience in the trenches, a shell had exploded just as he was dialling the telephone.

4 Decision-Making Mistakes That Will Mess Up Your Life

How do you make a decision? And how will you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it is the right one?