Author Archive for mark.tyrrell

Overcome Performance Anxiety

Performance anxiety gets in the way of performance because it clutters the mind just when your consciousness needs to be clear and 'light'.

Overcome Masturbation Addiction

"It feels compulsive now," he told me. "It's worse when I'm stressed and I've even started doing it in the restroom at work! It's as if I can't have an erotic thought or even a stressful situation without feeling I have to go masturbate!"

How to Overcome Perfectionism in Everyday Ways

If you really are a perfectionist, you've probably already found it troublesome; possibly even a deal-breaker in some instances - a royal road to disappointment and anguish, not to mention impaired relationships.

How to Overcome Your Negative Self-Image

Feelings are more powerful than thoughts (because emotions are the tools we use to survive), and that's why it's actually easier to change feelings in order to naturally change thoughts than the other way around.

Are You Really Having a Midlife Crisis?

In your twenties, if you take up a new hobby or decide to travel, it's just seen as you being who you are. But in your forties, any new decision or change in direction leaves you open to diagnostic mutterings of, "Ah, midlife crisis!" Life is full of transitions, but when you make them in your middle years, it's labelled a crisis.