Help Your Client Seize the Day and Accomplish their Dreams

Develop your client's inner urgency to help them live a more fulfilling life

Many people wish they could stop wasting time and be more productive.

The Seize the Day Hypnosis Script from The Script Collection was put together to help clients develop a sense of urgency that will help them start tasks right away instead of putting them off until later.

The pre-talk begins by describing the present as "the only reality," the only time that is guaranteed. If we lived forever, there would be no reason to finish tasks in a timely manner. But we never truly know how many tomorrows we have left. Through this lens, putting off a task means making a false assumption that it can still be done in the future. This is how opportunities pass people by. The client is asked to consider the question, "If not now, then when?" when tempted to delay a task.

Now, the notion of seizing the day is explored. The client learns that seizing the day means acting with a sense of urgency, driven by the brevity of life. This is what enables people to start projects right away. It is acknowledged that this urgency can present quietly, as a calm and certain approach in which a person simply gets to work.

The hypnosis session is framed as a tool that will guide the client's unconscious mind to "activate the instinctive drive" that will help them take action instead of delaying.

A brief induction guides the client to keep their focus in the present by feeling the sensations of their breath and body and tuning in to the sound of the script and any color or light in their visual awareness. As they sink "into the depths of the present moment," the client feels the moment expand until it encompasses "all the space and freedom" they need.

The trancework starts as the client is urged to immerse themselves in an evocative night scene, gazing upon a lake that reflects "each pin prick of light" from the stars above and breathing the cool air. The client gets a sense that there is real magic power in this place where "possibilities abound." As each "tiny sound of the night" is described, they are asked to listen closely, focusing into the depths of their own imagination.

Embedded commands assure the client that they can keep a clear head and "calmly take action" even in chaotic circumstances. This is contrasted to those who "tiptoe" throughout their lives "in the hope they will safely reach their deaths" yet, when the end comes, wish for just one more day to "do something to really stretch themselves" and live properly.

The client is guided to "connect with the reality" of life's evanescence and preciousness. As this realization sinks in, embedded commands help them discover an inner drive to make the most of their short time - to honor this gift by acting, creating, and accomplishing.

The client is asked to recall a particular dream they've been putting off, big or small, that they know would be useful for them, and to notice the feelings this conjures.

The concept of urgency is brought back through several ubiquitous examples - spotting a bank note on the side of the road and snatching it up, eagerly awaiting permission to unwrap Christmas presents as a child, moving "with lightning speed and purpose" to save the life of a loved one. The final, most important example is feeling an urgent imperative to accomplish a dream while there's still time.

Now, a "compelling sense of urgency" is felt in the client's fingertips. It shoots up their arms and into their head, spreading throughout the body as an unconscious reminder to honor their goals. A sense of the client's future, when their dream is accomplished, comes into view. They are reminded that the opportunity to accomplish this goal won't last forever. And "if not now, then when?"

The client is urged to feel the thrill of choosing to start a journey towards accomplishing their dreams. They are led to consider what this will mean for them, and to realize how soon they could begin.

Now, future pacing brings the client forward to a point where this accomplishment has been achieved, and they are able to appreciate the benefits it has brought. They are guided to imagine this future in detail - what they'll see and hear, how their relationships with others will be affected - and an embedded command encourages their unconscious to fully accept this plan. The client brings this "future memory" back to the present, lighting up the path towards accomplishment.

The client is reminded that they are free to choose to begin their journey any time. They can "activate this primal life force" within themselves now and seize the day. Embedded commands push them to embrace their power and live purposefully in the way they want, because they only get one life.

Add the Seize the Day Hypnosis Script to your script library today.

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