How to Deal with Disappointment Gracefully

Develop a flexible mind that easily 'manages your expectations' using hypnosis

Dealing with Disappointment

Disappointment - the feeling we get when reality fails to match up to our expectations - is an unpleasant experience we've all known.

And sometimes it can seem as if life is nothing but a long series of disappointments, one after the other.

Our standard reaction to this is to feel hard done by. A victim. There's nothing we could have done to prevent it, after all, is there?

But actually it is possible to significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of disappointments in your life. And you don't have to wait for all your dreams to come true to enjoy greater freedom from disappointment.

Disappointment is no coincidence

It's important to understand how disappointment differs from the regular slings and arrows of life. Misfortunes may come to anyone, and be quite beyond our control. Physical, social and economic difficulties may beset us.

Sometimes, of course, our own actions contribute to such problems, but we can also be quite innocent victims. But disappointment is always connected with our own behavior and beliefs.

And that means we can do something about disappointment.

How we set ourselves up for disappointment

We feel disappointed when something that we expected to happen does not happen. I'm not talking about, for example, hoping that the sun will shine for the picnic, and then feeling upset when it's cold and damp on the day.

The sun has no commitment to shine for us on a particular day, and although we might mind when it doesn't do so, we can hardly claim that the sun 'let us down', or 'disappointed' us.

I'm talking about those situations where we build up in our minds a detailed picture of how a future event, or relationship, or process, is going to turn out - and then believe that this is actually what will happen.

When it doesn't, we feel like we've been smacked in the face. But what we have done here is construct a fantasy. Why should any fantasy match reality?

The importance of positive expectation

Does this mean you should renounce working on positive visualization of future outcomes, which every life coach and therapist claims is essential for success in life?

Far from it! We need the boost that positive expectations bring us to motivate us into action. And we need to create powerful images of future success to enable us to persevere in pursuit of our goals. What we don't need is to lose our sense of proportion.

The art of managing expectations wisely

The key is to learn to 'manage our own expectations'. It helps to remember that our expectations start from within. And we need to look closely at what we base them on, to see if they are realistic.

And then we need to remember that life is full of unexpected twists, so our future fantasies must include dealing with situations which turn out differently from what we imagined. In other words, we must build in flexibility.

Tall order?

Using hypnosis to help you deal with disappointment

Not only can you become a master of your expectations, but you can do so much faster than you might think.

Dealing with Disappointment is an audio hypnosis session which utilizes the power of your unconscious mind to fast track you through powerful life-changing processes.

With the help of Dealing with Disappointment you will learn how to relax and clear your mind in ways you would never have imagined.

This will allow you to enter a powerful learning state in which your brain can quickly and easily establish neural pathways to support and sustain new beneficial patterns of behavior.

Download Dealing with Disappointment now and experience the difference today. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.

10 Steps to Overcome Negativity

Dealing with Disappointment is part of our 10 Steps to Overcome Negativity Hypnosis Course

Negative patterns are drilled into us by people and circumstances throughout our lives. Let the gentle power of our new hypnosis course ease your unconscious mind into a more positive, happier way of seeing the world.

Read more about the course

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Dealing with Disappointment

Narrator: Roger Elliott
Length: 24:01

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