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Testimonials for the Overcome Fear of Driving Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"I felt much more confident driving in general"

I used to be terrified of driving on the motorway and therefore refused to do it. I was even anxious as a passenger. I used the fear of driving download for two months before I had planned a five-hour motorway trip. After a couple of weeks of listening to the download, I noticed that I felt much more confident driving in general. When I did my first motorway drive, I felt nervous to start with but then began to relax. After three journeys, I felt confident and calm. This has made a big impact on my self confidence as a whole.

Anonymity requested, London, UK

"I feel more positive about driving with every listen"

Within 5 listens of my download, I've gone from being terrified of driving to having a just above normal heart rate. I feel more positive about driving with every listen and cannot thank you enough. I honestly think this will stop the fear I've had for almost 3 years with some more listens.

Anonymity requested

"I have come a long way and still drive myself to work every day, but I like to listen to the CD often because Mr. Elliott's voice is kind and soothing. So thanks a lot."

I thought you might like to know that a few years ago, I downloaded a copy of your Fear of Driving program and it helped a lot. I was in a car accident in 1998 and never really recovered from the fear of losing control of my car and for a few years, I dreaded even being a passenger in a small automobile. I have come a long way and still drive myself to work every day, but I like to listen to the CD often because Mr. Elliott's voice is kind and soothing. So thanks a lot.

This story came from Sue who is a veterinarian from New York, USA

"I have just started with the downloads and have made huge strides in driving."

I have been dealing with panic disorder for over 20 years and tried every drug made, psychotherapy, positive affirmations and hypnotherapy locally. Nothing has helped me as much as your downloads.

I was always tense with a hypnotherapist in strange setting. I can listen to them in the privacy of my home and can truly relax. I have just started with the downloads and have made huge strides in driving. I can't thank you enough!"

This story came from Nancy who is from West Seneca, NY

"...being able to drive has given me freedom and improved me and my children's quality of life..."

"I had such a fear of driving and had tried it seems like everything to get over my fear."

"I bought the fear of driving and keeping a cool head downloads and I would say in about a month I was driving, got my license and bought a car!!!"

"Thank you so much, being able to drive has given me freedom and improved me and my children's quality of life. God bless!!!"

This story came from Connie Wiley who is a Nursing Student from Baton Rouge, Louisiana

"The fear of driving hypnoisis is working after just a few days"

"These are the best hypnosis sessions ever. The voices are so soothing and relaxing."

"The fear of driving hypnosis is working after just a few days and the confidence booster has made me feel so good. I will definitely be buying more."

"I can actually feel the shift in my thinking after just one session."

This story came from Gillian White who is a Nurse from Brighton, England

"I had developed a very serious fear of driving. now I can drive not only to the store but also to and from work"

"I bought the ' Overcome Fear of Driving' download. It has helped me tremendously."

"For some years I lived in a dense city where I did not need a car, so I stopped driving. I moved to a new city and needed a car again. But I found I had developed a very serious fear of driving."

"It was so bad, I could barely bring myself to drive my new car home from the dealer. I got the download and listened to it every day for a few days. Then, I drove to the grocery store without panicking. I kept listening to it every time I needed to drive."

"Now, I can easily drive not only to the store, but also to and from work. I no longer need to listen every time I am going to drive, but I still listen to it regularly to increase my confidence, so that I can eventually drive on the highway, or just for pleasure."

"I would recommend this download to anyone who has a fear of driving because it has really helped me. I am now much more relaxed and confident when I drive. My fear does not keep me from driving where I need to go."

This story came from Dr Aisha Y. Musa who is an Assistant Professor from Miami, FL, USA

"...when I would start to panic a calming feeling comes over me and it stops right away."

"I have panic attacks and was looking for some relief. I drive 45 miles to work and plus I have a very stressful job."

"Some times I felt like the anxiety was so overwhelming I could not leave the house or if I am driving and have an anxiety attack driving 80 mph I'll wreck!"

"I have my life back!!"

"I noticed right away my thresh-hold was much higher and when I would start to panic a calming feeling comes over me and it stops right away."

"These downloads are like a God Send to me. If I have trouble falling asleep I turn on my ipod and set 'Falling Asleep Fast' (I cant even tell you the whole script it works so well)."

"This site has truley been an answer to my prayers for relief of my sufferings."


This story came from Russell Gilbert who is from Houston, Texas, USA

"Now I feel like there's a cushion between me and the fear and each day I am better"

"It's hard to know what a hypnosis download will be like until you hear it and the price was so good, I thought the quality might be poor - I was wrong!"

"My ex husband was very critical and after we split I did not drive for 8 years. Then I emigrated to Canada and found I had to take my driving test all over again."

"I would always let someone else drive and I was nervous during my driving lessons. After listening to the Overcome Fear of Driving hypnosis download I noticed a definite lessening of the symptoms immediately. Now I feel like there's a cushion between me and the fear and each day I am better. My driving instructor is very impressed and I have recommended your website to her. Also, being a Scot in another country, it was lovely to hear Roger's accent!"

This story came from Susie Gilmour who is a Theatre Box Office Manager from New Westminster, Canada

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.