Author Archive for mark.tyrrell

Overcome Obsessive Thoughts

Obsessive thoughts breed compulsive actions. The mother who feels that unless she waves five times at her son as he goes to school something bad will happen to him, the anxious businessman who has to 'avert disaster' before boarding a plane by clearing his throat thirty times, or the young girl who can keep her parents safe by walking around her bed 50 times before sleeping. Obsessive thoughts often have this element of superstition about them.

Learn Self-Forgiveness and Release the Pressure

Joan had been a model wife since the "stabbing incident" and her husband loved and appreciated her despite the squabble twenty-eight years before that had ended up with him in hospital

Why Hypnotherapy Works for Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy isn't a pill (even most pills don't work instantly). It's not just a case of telling someone to be a certain way and that's it, now they're sorted...forever. Obesity is a condition that can have many different contributing factors.

5 Pain Management Guidelines

The taxi driver loved to talk. On dropping me outside my hotel in Glasgow, he graciously opened the door for me. One second, comfort; the next, the sort of all-encompassing pain that, in my opinion, should not directly follow an exchange of cash. He'd slammed my hand in his door.

Self Help for Depression

Feeling depressed is horrible. Depression saps motivation, energy, sociability, optimism, and peace of mind. And what does it replace these things with? Despair, anxiety, regret, 'restless sleep', loss of confidence, hopelessness, and exhaustion. Find out what you can do about it, now.