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I haven't responded the way I was hoping to my session. Is this because of subconscious resistance?

Hi Mark. I bought the breaking sugar addiction program and did it each night for a week. I haven't responded the way I was hoping. Is this because of my subconscious resistance or should I be doing a different program for breaking the sugar addiction cycle?

This question was submitted by 'Allana'

Mark says...

I doubt it's subconscious resistance Alana - I mean I'd like to say that because I can’t say that the download is absolutely perfect and it's not the download, but it might be that the download just isn't right for you, or that you haven't given it enough time yet.

Certainly people do have success with it but you could swap it for another one, maybe Impulse Control, something like that, and of course if you've been having a lot of sugar then there will be a tapering period; there will be some kind of withdraw.

I'd like to know whether there's been any change, any difference. You say you haven't responded in the way you wanted to so I wonder if you've cut down at all? That would be interesting to know. But certainly you could try the impulse control session which may be the issue here, and it may be that something works for you.

What people often find is that they do try a few downloads before they find or they discover the one that gives them that sort of epiphany that makes makes them feel really powerful, and really helps them. So sometimes we do appreciate that there there is that sort of ‘testing’ phase. But yes, I would try the impulse control one, but before doing that perhaps Alana just try this for a week or so more and you might just find that it does start working really well for you, and you can get off the sugar.

And also remembering how godamn toxic sugar is for people, you know, its high insulin levels can be present up to 10 years before someone's blood sugar levels are obviously high which is kind of shocking. So someone can think ‘oh my blood sugar is okay’, but their insulin levels can still be high. Now insulin, as you know, is responsible for growth in the body, so may be implicated with all kinds of diseases where we're growing things that we don't want to be growing, and heart disease or obviously diabetes and even brain disorders um dementia and so forth.

So there are lots and lots of really good reasons to get sugar levels lower, not just obesity issues, but all kinds of other health issues as well including for the heart, and autoimmune disorders, and so forth.

So remembering on a regular basis how important it is to keep your sugar levels down, or lower your carbohydrate levels, is very important.

watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - June 11th, 2024 in

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