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How can I help my jealous wife?

Hi Mark, Thank you for your excellent products. I maried a wonderful Phd career woman three years ago. I found out after initial months that she had excessive jaleousy issues and started to wonder if I could fix that in order to opt out for new relation. After studying about personality disorder and I'm no medical expert, but I found her relatively close to borderline with some paranoia disorder. She is insecure, feels treatened from normal arguments and supect wrong of anything discussed. I'ts been two years now and the problem is even worst. She won't trust anything that comes from me on ANY subject, even subjects of my professionnal field (I'm an engineer!). As I started to study hypnosis and very like the concept, we have tried hypnosis with a specialist, but in vain, as your article "Conversational Hypnosis Milton Model NLP", it says that "Some people have such low self esteem that they will not accept direct suggestions", and I think this is the case. I purchase "overcome insecurity in relationship", but it only aim the subject and not the victim. Since her feeling of self confidence is hidden in her subconscient, I seem having no credibility toward her for the potential help I could bring her since I am not a "certified psychologist". Even the professionnal hypnotherapist that she went to see only had a temporary effect on her behavior. I'm looking about using indirect suggestion as the final attempt. What NLP Milton oriented course would you recommend? Thank you Joce

This question was submitted by 'jlachapelle7'

mark tyrrell

Mark says...

Hello and thank you for your email. It is always tempting to want to 'fix' someone especially a partner. It must be hard for you to live with such a high degree of insecurity in your wife, feeling mistrusted and doubted all the time must be hard for you. I would like to know whether your wife feels she needs to change or even feels she has a problem with jealousy. She needs to want to be different and to be different she needs to learn to feel as well as think differently. The beauty of hypnosis when used well at the right time is that it can help people feel different so that they can think differently. Certainly the most effective form of hypnotic communication is 'naturalistic' or 'conversational' in which resistance can be bypassed. We offer our Learn Hypnosis and Advanced Precision Hypnosis courses online which I think are the best hypnosis courses to learn this kind of approach.

Overcoming excessive jealousy is an important part of self development and for your wife it will help her become freed up in other ways to develop as a person. If you don't reassure her much then reassure her and tell her you love her more but if she has become addicted to constant reassurance then remember part of overcoming relationship emotional insecurity involves breaking the need for a constant 'fix' of reassurance.

All my best,


watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - January 13th, 2014 in

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