Author Archive for mark.tyrrell

What Natural Treatments For Anxiety Are There?

More and more people are looking for natural treatments to relieve the symptoms of anxiety. Some will go straight to a doctor to seek help from drugs, but natural treatments for anxiety are becoming are the preferred choice for many...

What successful people never do when visualizing

From a visualization point of view, the brain doesn't distinguish between your shot or someone else's. Imagining a poor shot, whoever's it is, plants that idea of a bad shot in your subconscious... and that will come back to haunt you.

A Guide to Public Speaking from Someone Who Used to Hate It

It's 9 am on a Monday morning, and your boss has just told you matter-of-factly that you just have to do a presentation next week - to "100 potential customers"! What's your response?

It's Unlucky to Be Superstitious (or Is It?)

Apparently superstitious beliefs can lower house prices, cause deaths in traffic accidents and even increase infant mortality. Is it really unlucky to be superstitious?

How to Boost Self Esteem

If you have low self esteem then you are better than you think you are. This is the definition of low self esteem. When your self esteem improves, it's because your self knowledge has improved; just as the ugly duckling in Hans Christian Anderson's famous tale had to learn its true nature before it could become fulfilled.