I'm terrified all the time
Hi Mark
I've just been looking at your site. I don't know what's wrong with me. I have recently had a medical check up and other than a slightly raised blood pressure I am physically fine. But for the last few months I have felt really anxious and stressed. In fact it's no exaggeration to say I feel terrified over just about everything! I have a sense of dread at work, feel panicky over the slightest thing and worry all the time. I'm not on any medication so it's not a side effect of anything. All I can put it down to is that my life has been REALLY busy the last few months. My work has got more demanding, we are trying for a baby and my mum has had lots of problems which are a constant demand on me at the moment. I just can't stand these panicky feelings and sense of dread all the time.
Please, what do you suggest?
This question was submitted by 'Marie'
Mark says...
Hi Marie,
It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now and that your general stress levels have become higher than usual over the last few months. If you imagine stress as a liquid you carry around with you in a bucket then we can visualize that the more you carry the more likely it is that some will 'spill over' sometimes accidently. Panicky feelings for, seemingly, no reason are a result of this 'overspill.' Regular calm quickly diminishes the levels of stress so that even when you do sometimes trip it won't spill over any more. I hope that makes sense Marie.
In times gone past we, the human species, would have mainly become stressed because of immediate physical threat - which would have produced feelings of dread. The human body still responds physically to non-physically threatening stressors like work and family demands and time pressures. These parts of life are not fearsome predators but we still sometimes respond as if they were. That's why you've been feeling a sense of dread and panic.
So regular calm, alongside dealing with current stresses differently and seeking to minimize them will have you feeling calm again quickly and also make it harder to feel overwhelmed and dreadful. I suggest you use the 'Stop Feeling Overwhelmed' Session and also the 'Overcome Generalized Anxiety Disorder' download.
All my best for a great future,