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How many hypnosis sessions can I listen to in one day?

Hi, I was just wondering if you can listen to more than one hypnosis download per day. Will it work just as well if you listen to 2 or more per day, or is it more beneficial to listen to one for a week, and then another one after that, and then another after that.

This question was submitted by 'Katy'

mark tyrrell

Mark says...

A great question. I think if the downloads are quite related, such as, for example, a self esteem session and, say, a self confidence session then certainly you can listen to them on the same day. But I wouldn't listen to more than two on any given day (partly because you need time for other things).

If the sessions are not so related then I would listen to the one relating to the most pressing issue for you for a week or until you have started seeing progress. Then take over with the other one.  Another way of doing it might be to listen to one on one day and another on another day so, basically, alternate your listening.

I hope my answer helps. We've got a full FAQ on hypnosis here.

watch icon Published by Mark Tyrrell - December 12th, 2013 in

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