Do you do any hypnosis to help children with anxiety? How should I choose which session to do next? Why do I have a stubborn resistance to exercise when I feel good afterwards? And more questions answered.
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Questions answered:
- Do you do any hypnosis to help children with anxiety, especially at night?
- I have gone from being a reasonably confident solo back packer in my 20's to becoming very anxious about being away from home to the point it is stopping me doing things I would like to do. I am now retired and would love to do more travel.
- Your sessions are incredible, but I’m daunted by how many apply to me. How should I choose which session to do next? Similarly, can you recommend a long-term strategy? I plan to do two sessions a week for the next year. Is there a recommended order of operations? Thanks for your wonderful work!
- Can hypnotherapy improve dissociative symptoms? And if so, is it done through only suggestion therapy?
- The more I want to start exercising, the more I do anything else but. And I feel so good when I exercise. I don’t get this stubborn resistance to what I want.