What was your first big convincer of hypnosis? What causes a bad habit that's hard to stop? Is hypnotherapy mind over matter? Plus 20 more questions answered.
Welcome to Ask Mark Anything. Mark has answered 23 of your questions below. You can ask Mark your own question here.
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Questions answered:
- What was your first big convincer of hypnosis?
- What are your recommendations for helping overcome self sabotage?
- Any advice for helping my son's poor emotional regulation?
- What is the most amazing thing you've seen happen with hypnosis?
- What hypnosis tapes improve memory retention?
- Is hypnotherapy basically mind over matter?
- How can we help people looking to improve their English using hypnotherapy?
- Any suggestions to help me stop feeling on edge and tense when playing tennis?
- Why do you not give private clients recordings of hypnotic part of their sessions?
- Is it okay to do hypnosis 3 times per day? Will the effects be permanent if I do it for 10 weeks?
- Who was I in a past life?
- I regularly fall asleep during my sessions and don't consciously recall much of the content. Will it still be effective?
- What causes a bad habit that's hard to stop?
- How can I help a friend who has said she may feel suicidal?
- Is it normal to be in denial about death?
- Why do I keep waking up halfway through a hypnosis session? Do you have any advice on how to stop this?
- How effective is using self-recorded self-hypnosis?
- What would you recommend for high blood pressure?
- Other than being in a quiet environment, is there anything you can recommend to help hypnosis effects?
- Is it rare to feel the positive effects of hypnosis only kick in weeks after using the session?
- Do you think there's a difference between the core beliefs 'I'm not good enough' and 'I don't matter'? Also, do you have any metaphors to explain the difference between being alone and feeling lonely?
- How frequently should I use the hypnosis session to overcome masturbation addiction?
- What are some differences between your early scripts and your newer ones?