Find Your Ideal Hypnosis Audio with Our Intelligent Assistant

Hypnosis AI Assistant

It's not always immediately obvious which hypnosis download will be most useful for you and navigating our extensive library can take a while. Now you can get instant suggestions with our new conversational AI digital assistant. The assistant can understand natural language and knows about all our programs, so you can relax and talk to it like you would an actual human. Here's how:

  1. Share your aims or ask a question in the chat box above ⬆️.
  2. Receive bespoke suggestions based on what you provide (and links to sessions at the bottom of the response).
  3. Explore your options and select the session that clicks with you.

Thank you for trying out our digital assistant. We're currently in the testing phase and we're working hard to perfect the experience. Should you encounter any unexpected results, we'd greatly appreciate your feedback.

Example questions you can ask our Hypnosis Assistant:

"What sessions have you got similar to Be More Charismatic?"

"I am terrible with money. Again today I bought something I really don't need, and I'm already short of money."

"How can I be more self-confident?"

(Privacy note: It's possible that our team may see the questions asked here. We won't know who asked the question, but we thought you'd want to know.)

If the assistant doesn't give you what you need, you can ask our co-founder Mark Tyrrell a question on Ask Mark. He answers these questions every few weeks.