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How do I get over hurtful things done by a deceased parent

Anonymous's picture

I'm a 57-year-old female, the youngest of three children. I found out upon my mother's recent death that she never communicated honestly with me. I never knew why she hid so many things from me and not my older siblings. My parents wrote the oldest out of their will in the '90s but after my father died in 2016, mom added him back. But she left 50% of her estate to the middle child, leaving me and my brother 25% each. Regardless of the money, I'm so hurt that she blatantly picked a favorite. And when she had opportunity to discuss her decision with me, she kept silent. I'll never get any of these answers. How do I release my anger for leaving me with an eternity of unanswered questions?

Rebekah Hall's picture

Hi there,

Thank you for your question and I'm sorry to hear you've been through that.

Below you'll find links to a couple of sessions that should help.

Best wishes,

Uncommon Care Team

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