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Feeling cold

Kim Davis's picture

It's winter in Australia. I love not feeling the extreme humidity and heat we have in an extended summer, but when the temperature gets below 17 degrees celcius I feel frozen.

I am not sure it is circulation - I walk fast every morning and need a lot of outerwear.

My body temperature is quite lower than normal - at least a degree. Most of the other women I know feel the cold like me. Unless they are menopausal.

Maybe it is a sensitivity thing - that I just notice it more. Or thyroid or metabolism.

Is there some way to either be less sensitive to temperature, or to raise my body temperature a bit?

I saw the circulation download, but it didn't resonate.

Rebekah Hall's picture

Hi Kim,

Thank you for your question. It's been proven that even a simple visualization like imagining holding your hands up to a roaring fire can measurably increase the actual temperature in your hands. And 95% or more of people can even do this their very first time trying it.

So, hypnosis can be used to increase body temperature.

Below you'll find a link to a session that should help you practice this.

Best wishes,

Uncommon Care Team

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