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Let go and trust

Anonymous's picture

A series of events led me to have an ephiphany that everything in my life happens for a reason, and every bad thing eventually leads to something good.  For a very long time after that I was rarely bothered by anything that happened, and, for lack of a better way of saying this, I just trusted the universe.  I stopped pushing for things to happen, relaxed completely, and my world opened up.  This was the total opposite of my normal analytical, worry wart, planner, self...instead felt that elusive inner peace.

Unfortunately this crazy year has broken that spell, and I'm searchig for a way to calm my mind again and get back to that place.  Would you have a recommendation of a hypnosis that might help?

Rebekah Hall's picture

Hi there,

Thank you for your question.

Below you'll find links to few sessions that should help.

Best wishes,

Uncommon Care Team