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Getting discouraged with the 'boring basics' when starting something new

Anonymous's picture

Whenever I try to start something, I quickly become discouraged because the basics are inevitably boring. Some examples:

  • I don't want to draw simple shapes, I want to get the landscape scene from my dream on to paper.
  • I don't want to write a page of A's, I want to write beautiful cursive script.
  • I don't want little jumps, I want big jumps and potentially life-threatening tricks.

It goes without saying that unless I persevere and learn the basics, I'll never get good enough to master advanced aspects of anything, but it's far more enjoyable to waste time in one of many unproductive and ultimately unfulfilling ways than spending countless hours practicing boring basics.

Looking at the bigger picture, this is probably related to my attitude to life - I may get hit by a bus tomorrow (unlikely and not a source of anxiety, just acceptance of reality), so I try to maximise my enjoyment today at the expense of tomorrow.

I'm rambling, thanks for any thoughts!

Rebekah Hall's picture

Hi there,

Thank you for your question.

I've tagged several downloads below that can help, please have a look and see what sounds like a good fit for you. :)

Best wishes,

Uncommon Care Team