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Anonymous's picture


A client always feels helpless. It comes from childhood.

Is there a script to specifically empower him and show him that he always has the choice?

Is there a script which explains reframing so a patient can learn to see negative things positively?

Thanks a lot!

Rebekah Hall's picture

Guten tag!

Thank you for your question.

The script you're looking for is 'Overcome Learned Helplessness', which I've linked below. (As before, please click on the 'Text version' link on the lower right of the download page to find the script.)

If you want to learn more about reframing, we have a whole course on that: Conversational Reframing. Or for a variety of helpful reframes, you can read Mark's book, 'New Ways of Seeing' (this book is included in the reframing course, also).

I hope this helps!

Best wishes,

Uncommon Care Team

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