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I want to go skydiving

Anonymous's picture

I have had great success with downloads from this site in the past. My girlfriend is going skydiving for the second time and wants me to do it with her.Its the highest jump at 18,000 ft with a beautiful view of Monterey Ca. I really want to do it, but with no fear. I want it to be a totally ejoyable time without fear or anxiety.  I have flown many times and do not have a fear of flying.... jumping out is another thing though. i am unsure which download to get, or if there is even one available that would take care of this. Tha k you ahead of time.

Rebekah Hall's picture

Hi there,

Thank you for your question.

Below you'll find links to a couple of downloads that should help. You may also find 'Try New Things' helpful.

Best wishes,

Uncommon Care Team

Recommended Downloads: