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Testimonials for the Become a Gym Regular Hypnosis Session

Read some great feedback from our customers

"I have only listened to it for two nights now, and yet both mornings after listening I have found myself putting on my gear, heading downstairs and working out like nothing in the world could stop me."

Having undergone major surgery this past spring, I was under strict orders to stop working out for six weeks. Though very difficult for me to digest at first, by the time I got the green light to resume my activities, my enthusiasm for regular exercise had become non existent! Eight months of sloth later, enough was enough. While I don't go to an actual gym anymore, I tried "Become a Gym Regular" to see if it would give me the impetus to use my home gym in the basement. I have only listened to it for two nights now, and yet both mornings after listening I have found myself putting on my gear, heading downstairs and working out like nothing in the world could stop me. Not only that, but I hadn't touched a barbell in forever and for the first time in I don't know how long I did back squats from my rack and am in the mood to weightlift like I used to! I can't ever remember what is said in these tracks as they put me under every time but the enthusiasm about prioritizing fitness again is tangible and for that I am truly grateful... thank you!

This story came from M, who is from Canada.

"The audios help keep me on track and mentally focused on the long-term goal"

I've primarily been using Hypnosis Download products for weight loss and have found them very helpful. I'm still the one that has to do the work, but the audios help keep me on track and mentally focused on the long-term goal. A side bonus is that using them creates a few moments of relaxation in a busy day.

This story came from Camille, who is a Writer from Texas, USA.

"Since starting your programme, I have not missed a day of exercising."

Jacki Gilding

I would just like to let you know that since starting your programme, I have not missed a day of exercising. Every second day at the gym, and on alt days a walk along the beach. As I live on an Island ,there is plenty of beach.

I have to tell you though, at 73 yrs of age, I have started many projects in my day, and never finished one of them. I feel now this will be the very first. It is only early days yet, but I am positive. I will let you know how I progress.

Thank you

This story came from Jacki Gilding who is from Bribie Island, Qld, Australia.

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.