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Testimonials for the Confidence with your Boss Hypnosis Download

Read some great feedback from our customers

"I have had two promotions since the first download..."

I hadn't downloaded anything like this from the net before!!

I was desperately distressed - I had been bullied at work and it was cruel. I work in a stressful environment and as I was sick physically for a while, I was the weak chook that got pecked!

The downloads were 'Building Self Esteem', 'Care Less What Others Think', 'The Negative Critic' and 'Confidence with your Boss' and 'Increase Emotional Intelligence'.

I noticed it the very next day! Someone at work said something to me and I said' 'You're rushing me, I said I would be ready in five minutes and I will.' and used good body language which let them know 'enough is enough' and that was it! That person stopped pushing me around immediately! I was just being too wishy-washy in my communication. The Confident with your Boss one is brilliant! I have let a couple of people listen to it and they have downloaded and use your sessions now and had great success. I am a qualified counsellor and I recommend your downloads all the time. I thoroughly checked you out until I was convinced of your professionalism. I am so impressed that you practice what all helping professionals try to do - give something back freely.

Please don't ever end your free downloads. Otherwise I would not have ever known how good you are at what you do.

I don't need you to give me a download for writing this - I buy them 5 at a time and think they are excellent value. Thank you for the amazing results I have had oh, two promotions since the first download and a lot happier and more confident. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

I have sent MANY to your site and they have been genuinely helped.

This story came from Anon. who holds an Upper Management Government Job from Australia

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.