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Testimonials for the Stop Binge Eating Hypnosis Session

Read some great feedback from our customers

"I listen to it religiously every day and it prevents me from bingeing at all"

Kamlesh Hunjan

I downloaded Stop Binge Eating because I suffered badly with this illness. I found the hypnosis very effective. I listen to it religiously every day and it prevents me from bingeing at all. I am so relieved I found this and it works.

I have actually been inundated by people on the Facebook pages that I am a member of related to binge eating, with people curious about how the sessions stopped the binges.

I was very desperate and I am so grateful you produced these sessions. They are very easy to use, the price is reasonable and I will be buying more when I can afford them and need them. Look forward to many more binge eaters downloading from your site as we needed something that would work. So grateful. Thanks again. Brilliant!!

This story came from Kamlesh Hunjan who is a Teacher from Leeds, UK.

"At last, I think I have found the answer in the power of the mind through the weight-loss sessions from Uncommon Knowledge."

My aim was to develop a healthier relationship with food. Like many people, I had spent decades yo-yo dieting, generally overeating and sometimes stepping over the line into binge eating. I despaired of ever finding a sustainable solution. At last, I think I have found the answer in the power of the mind through the weight-loss sessions from Uncommon Knowledge. As a life coach and energy therapist, I am excited at the prospect of using this knowledge with my clients.

This story came from M. Moran who is a life coach and energy therapist from Cork, Ireland.

"These downloads have helped me to develop a better relationship with food."

I've struggled with eating well my whole life. Food is something I've always turned to as a form of comfort, entertainment, reward, so much more than just nourishment. These downloads have helped me to develop a better relationship with food. I felt a difference after only listening to the hypnosis a couple times. I'll definitely be purchasing more downloads in the future.

This story came from Jocelyn who is from Utah, USA.

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* Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide a no-questions asked 90-day guarantee to ensure you feel comfortable trying our downloads out. We believe they are the best available, and hope you will too.