Author Archive for mark.tyrrell

Help! I Can't Be Hypnotized

Why you can be hypnotized even if you don't believe in hypnosis...

How to Handle a Bully

Here are five steps to confront a bully at work

Anxiety in Children - Reasons to Relax

Tessa was distraught. Her anxious, seven-year-old son, Daniel, had had another tantrum before going to school that morning. Full of anxiety he had pleaded with her that he had a tummy bug...

Better Language Learning Tips

It was a beautiful Spanish spring day. I sat in a café in a small southern village, the light lazily playing on my face as it filtered through intertwined branches above. The smell of fresh oranges wafted on the warming breeze and a church bell sounded from the other end of the valley. Then something amazing happened.

How to Be a More Manly Man

We males have much higher levels of testosterone pumping around our systems, making us more naturally suited to risk taking, competitiveness, and physical activity. To deny masculine traits is to deny our birthright.