October Special! Save $100 on Uncommon Hypnosis course until the 31st

How Will Your Life Change When You Tap Into Your Mind's Unique Potential?

Why hypnosis is the key to unlocking your creativity, focusing your energy and understanding yourself

Uncommon Hypnosis logo

Hypnosis has a long history of helping human beings be the very best they can be. It can be used to control anything controlled by the unconscious mind - pain, blood pressure, fear, confidence levels, mood, sex drive... the list goes on:

  • World-class athletes use hypnosis to give them 'the edge'
  • Therapists use hypnosis to lift trauma, cure depression and break addictions
  • Everyday people use hypnosis to enhance themselves.

And when you understand just how easily you can gain access to this astonishing capability of your own mind, we're sure you'll start using it too.

Because you've probably heard the stories. The outrageous claims. You may even have seen the scientific proof. You've heard the countless success stories (and if you haven't, then you will in a moment).

Why hypnosis is exactly what you've been looking for...

No one is perfect and we're not suggesting for a moment that hypnosis will blast away all your problems. But it's transformed our lives, and we know it can transform yours.

Let's talk about the you you've always known you could be...

  • Have you ever felt if you could properly direct your focus and concentration, you could build a better career for yourself?
  • Have you ever felt you could supercharge your communication skills?
  • Have you ever felt tiredness or stress has gotten in the way of quality time spent with your partner, children, or friends?
  • Have you ever wanted to tackle a big project - running a marathon, for example - but not known how to keep up momentum and drive?

When you understand your own mind - how to control your emotions, your energy, your creativity, and imagination - life becomes infinitely more enjoyable.

And that's basically what hypnosis is. The ability to control your own mind and override any negative emotions or habits that keep getting in your way.

The 5 best things about hypnosis

Become highly productive using hypnosis

1. You'll become highly productive without getting stressed

I know what you're thinking - what on earth does stress management have to do with hypnosis? Well, quite a lot, actually! You see, when you know self hypnosis, you can put yourself into a deeply calm meditative state. Stress feeds on stress, so when you break the cycle - even with only ten minutes of deep trance - you'll feel supercharged and ready to take on the day. Regularly doing this means you'll be able to see tasks so much more clearly and be able to organize yourself without the fog that stress traps you in.

Be more creative using hypnosis

2. Tap into your creative energies instantly

Those magical moments when time stands still because you're engrossed in something creative. Whether it's writing, playing a musical instrument, or even working on a business idea, being creative is a deep and pleasurable trance state. With self hypnosis, you can learn how to tap into it regularly and just see how bursts of creativity enhance your life.

Understand yourself and others with hypnosis

3. Really understand yourself and others

Ever feel like your kids or your partner don't get the best out of you? We can all feel tired, cross, or stressed sometimes and then snap at those we love most. But with Uncommon Hypnosis, you'll learn what 'hypnotic pitfalls' are and how to avoid them, so you don't get emotionally hijacked.

And with the new understanding of psychology the Uncommon Hypnosis course gives you, you'll be able to communicate much better with that prickly colleague or difficult neighbor.

Stay calm in uncomfortable situations with hypnosis

4. You'll learn how to stay calm in high pressure or uncomfortable situations

Dealing with the workplace bully. Standing your ground with your mother-in-law. Tackling a fear. Being assertive with that 'friend' who always seems to get his own way.

When you learn how to use self hypnosis, you can emotionally prepare for the encounter, taking the emotional toll out of these stressful situations. Life is so much easier when you feel like you can face anything!

Develop laser-like levels of focus and concentration with hypnosis

5. Develop laser-like levels of focus and concentration

You know that feeling when you're reading a book or watching a film and you're so engrossed by it, you're barely aware time is passing? When you know hypnosis, you can quickly slide into that trance state.

Just think of what you could achieve if you spent an hour a day completely 'in the zone'... There's a reason why so many top athletes use hypnosis for sporting success.

Who would you trust to teach you hypnosis?

This is NOT what we teach!

If you've looked around the Internet, you've no doubt come across countless guys (they mostly are guys) promising to teach you how to use hypnosis to do everything from seducing people to getting money for nothing. And much more besides.

And this is such a shame. Because ridiculous claims like these put so many people off using hypnosis.

Hypnosis, you see, is nothing complicated. It's simply the state your brain uses to learn. But learn in a powerful, deep-down way that pervades every part of you.

And because it's such a powerful learning tool, you can use it to un-learn, too.

Professional trainers since 1996

Here at Uncommon Knowledge, we've been teaching people how to use hypnosis since 1996. We have shown thousands how to use hypnosis to help themselves focus better, relax better, be better.

And we have taught many, many professionals how to use hypnosis to help their clients. At first, we did this face-to-face at Brighton University in England. Now we do it online, globally, and thousands of therapists attend our online courses every year.

So when we teach you hypnosis, we'll teach you exactly what you need to know, using a method that we have refined over more than 15 years of teaching, and we'll show you how to use it for whatever you want.

You'll get everything you need to become fluent in hypnotic language, without the need for scripts, so you can seamlessly blend hypnotic approaches into your everyday life.

Why we're Uncommonly different...

Because we'll teach you conversational hypnosis - not how to read off scripts. And more than that, we'll teach you subtle indirect hypnosis that happens everyday.

  • Not just the 'You are getting sleepy' hypnosis
  • Not just simplistic directive hypnosis
  • Not just softly spoken suggestions.

While basic hypnosis courses teach students how to use pre-written hypnosis scripts, Uncommon Hypnosis teaches you how to integrate the language patterns and techniques into your everyday conversation - no scripts required. You will learn how to confidently hypnotize someone and talk to their unconscious mind without using a 'weird' voice or unnatural language. You'll be fluent in hypnotic language.

We're Uncommonly different because we'll teach you about psychology, too...

For more than 15 years, we've trained professionals in treating serious psychological problems like PTSD, clinical depression, breaking addictions, and more. And so in this course, we won't just teach you conversational hypnosis, but about psychology, too. You'll learn a lot more about how the human mind works - about emotions, about conscious and unconscious states - all the stuff you need to know to understand yourself and others better.

What's inside the Uncommon Hypnosis course

image description
  • Uncommon Hypnosis workshop screenshot 1
  • Uncommon Hypnosis workshop screenshot 2
  • Uncommon Hypnosis workshop screenshot 3

The course includes over 5 hours of video because there's really only one way to learn hypnosis properly, and that's to see it being demonstrated by professionals.

You'll watch demonstrations of how to do a basic induction, all the way through to advanced techniques like arm levitation - and get the 'how to' in the accompanying workbook.

We've also added subtitled commentary throughout the live demonstrations so you know exactly what the hypnotists are thinking as they use different techniques.

You'll love seeing hypnotic phenomenon like eyelid catalepsy and hand levitations - these techniques truly show the power of the unconscious mind!

And then, once you have absorbed how to use your language to hypnotize yourself and others, we give you 7 Hypnosis Blueprints that show you exactly how to use hypnosis for 7 specific outcomes...

  • Live workshop footage of hypnosis in action
  • How to hypnotize yourself and others
  • How your unconscious mind works and how to get it to work for you
  • How to create a post-hypnotic suggestion
  • How to make hypnosis work quickly with anyone
  • Detailed workbook with checklists and exercises
  • Advanced conversational hypnosis language techniques
  • Demonstrations of hypnotic phenomenon, including arm levitation and eyelid catalepsy
  • How to write your own hypnosis scripts, then move beyond them altogether.

Uncommon Hypnosis is...subtle and indirect

  • The difference between old-style authoritarian 'you are getting sleepy' hypnosis and modern, indirect, Ericksonian, 'conversational' hypnosis.
  • How to get around resistant types.
  • How to deliver your message powerfully but with subtlety.
  • How to embed suggestions and commands in conversation.
  • The remarkable power of expectation and how to harness it.
  • How expectancy creates post-hypnotic suggestion, or pattern matching.
  • The perfect amount of eye contact for maximum believability.
  • How your emotional state filters incoming information and how you can use this.
  • How to influence without bossing people around.
  • How to use presupposition to create a new psychological blueprint.

Uncommon Hypnosis is...word magic

  • How to create post-hypnotic suggestion.
  • Why telling people they are wonderful doesn't work and what to do instead.
  • How to use 'sleight of mouth' to get your message accepted.
  • How to give people choice but still get the outcome you want.

Uncommon Hypnosis is...deep insights into the human mind

  • Razor-sharp insights into the function of the unconscious mind and how it developed.
  • What your conscious mind is best for, and what to leave to your unconscious.
  • What your unconscious mind is there for and how to use it to your best advantage.
  • Why focusing on problems can make things worse and how to focus beyond the problem.
  • The fundamental principle of unconscious pattern matching and the insights it gives us into emotional problems – such as phobias or addictions - and all human behavior.

Uncommon Hypnosis is...performance-maximizing knowledge

  • Why the imagination is as powerful as reality – and how to use this in hypnosis.
  • Why learning hypnosis is the quickest way to solve problems or improve performance.
  • The different types of trance and how to spot them in others.
  • How to maximize your success hypnotizing others. Immediately get beyond the 'reading scripts' stage where so many hypnotherapists get stuck.
  • Demonstration of arm levitation phenomenon and why it happens.

Uncommon Hypnosis is...the real deal (no scripts necessary)

  • The reason for the old watch-swinging technique – why it worked (sometimes!).
  • Find out what hypnosis actually is and how it is connected to the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage of sleep.
  • Why catalepsy (paralysis) occurs in hypnosis and how to encourage it.
  • Different ways of entering hypnosis – progressive relaxation or the shock tactics of stage hypnosis – and why these use the same mechanism.
  • Why you must be flexible to use hypnosis well.
  • Milton Erickson's utilization principle of changing the approach to fit the subject – so you can be successful with anyone.
  • Demonstration of a naturalistic induction – the utilization principle in action.

You'll also receive...

7 Hypnosis Blueprints

Once you have learned the core skills of hypnotic language and know how to use hypnosis to induce trance, then you move onto the 'Hypnosis Blueprints' section of this course.

  • Mark Tyrrell Blueprint video screenshot 1
  • Mark Tyrrell Blueprint video screenshot 2
  • Mark Tyrrell Blueprint video screenshot 3

These 7 Blueprints give you detailed instructions, and examples on how to use hypnosis to achieve specific goals. Each Blueprint has a written guide, videos and hypnosis script to fully explain and expand upon how to apply your hypnosis knowledge in everyday situations.

Running time approximately 138 minutes

So, in total for the Blueprints section of the Uncommon Hypnosis course, you get:

  • 7 Hypnosis Blueprint written guides with structured hypnotic exercises
  • 15 Videos
  • 8 Bonus Hypnosis Scripts (value $119.60)
Peachful Moments Scripts


Peaceful Moments hypnosis inductions with marked up scripts (value $35)

Peaceful Moments is our popular program that hypnotically leads you into deep and restful trance states using four different inductions, each around 15 minutes long. With Peaceful Moments, you'll get to really experience the power of hypnosis and then be able to read the scripts to see why and how it worked.

Here's a quick reminder of everything you get with the Uncommon Hypnosis course:

  • Over 3 hours of live workshop footage
  • Course workbook
  • Peaceful Moments hypnosis inductions, with 4 marked up
    written hypnosis scripts (value $35)
  • 7 Hypnosis Blueprint written guides with structured
    hypnotic exercises
  • 15 Blueprint videos
  • 8 Bonus Hypnosis Scripts (value $119.60)

90-day money back guarantee

If you’re not happy with the quality of Uncommon Hypnosis, just let us know within three months of purchasing it and you will get a full refund. We have such faith in our products that we’re happy to offer this 12-week guarantee period for all of them - we hope it encourages you to learn hypnosis and experience your life changing for the better.


Uncommon Hypnosis is discounted until October 31st

Instant access to the course online

Get started right away with the online version of our course
Instant access to the Uncommon Hypnosis course online

Instant access to the full course on our online training platform Uncommon U

Works on all computers, smartphones, and tablets

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s so different about Uncommon Hypnosis?

We think we’re different... or Uncommon... from other hypnosis courses for two key reasons.

Firstly, because we teach indirect conversational hypnosis (no need for scripts). Much more than just teaching you the mechanics of hypnosis, our course will show you how to speak hypnotic language fluently, so you can use hypnosis in any situation you need to.

Secondly, we’re experienced therapy trainers, so this course will be packed full of information about how the human mind works. If you’ve ever struggled to understand why people behave in a certain way or if you’ve ever let your emotions get the better of you, all that is about to change. Understanding psychology helps you make sense of the world around you, and we don’t think you can teach hypnosis without teaching psychology, too.

What if I can’t be hypnotized?

Contrary to popular belief, everybody can be hypnotized. The belief that only certain people can be hypnotized stems from decades-old research where researchers tried to hypnotize people under laboratory conditions using poor standardized hypnotic approaches. It is no surprise that under these conditions, only a small proportion of people were able to manifest a hypnotic response.

The truth is that if you couldn't be hypnotized, you'd never have learned anything. To really absorb new information, we have to narrow our focus of attention right down and temporarily exclude other factors - that is, enter hypnosis. This is how all 'learning' works.

If you couldn't be hypnotized, you'd never have dreamed at night - dreaming has many parallels with daytime hypnosis.

You can relax about hypnosis - it's all taken care of for you.

Will I be able to hypnotize others, too?

Yes. Not only will you learn self hypnosis, but you’ll learn how to help others. You can use your new skills to help your friends and family members with problems like stress and anxiety.

Please note that this course isn’t a qualification in professional hypnotherapy and you will not be a certified therapist at the end of it.

How can I contact you?

Contact us by email here.

We'll do our very best to get back to you within 24 hours - we manage this over 95% of the time.

When you submit your query, we'll send you an automatic response confirming receipt of your query. If you don't see this email in your inbox, please check your junk or spam folder.

In the unlikely event that you do not hear back from us within 48 hours, you can assume something has gone wrong between you sending the email and us receiving it. In this case, please contact us again, making sure your contact email address is entered correctly.

By Post: Uncommon Knowledge Ltd, 3rd Floor, Boswell House, Argyll Square, Oban, PA34 4BD

Read powerful stories from our customers about how hypnosis helped them

"Helps me a lot to consolidate my previous knowledge and to update it"

Photo of Silvia Hain

What you and your team offer is incomparable, especially the treatment tips, the script library, the psychological knowledge behind everything... Also the downloads as such, which are of great help for me in many ways. It also helps me a lot to consolidate my previous knowledge and to update it. And your customer service is great!

This story came from Silvia Hain from Radolfzell, Germany.

"Great insight into how hypnosis and human psychology work in tandem"

Photo of Jonathan Ott

The Uncommon Knowledge hypnosis course gave me great insight into how hypnosis and human psychology work in tandem. The demonstrations were great, and I came away with solid fundamental understanding of hypnosis techniques.

This story came from Jonathan Ott from Moraga, California, USA.

"Great values, positive reframing, and supportive techniques"

Photo of Linda Gullo

Uncommon Hypnosis is giving me confidence to use hypnosis with others regularly. The materials are excellent and so in keeping with what I have taught, spoken about, and counseled. Great values, positive reframing, and supportive techniques are in alignment with me.

This story came from Linda Gullo from Chicago area, Illinois, USA.

"A wonderful program with comprehensive content and easily accessible explanations"

Photo of Eric Guthman

Mark is wonderful at explaining not only the theory and techniques of hypnotherapy, but the way in which our thoughts and patterned emotions rule our lives and CAN be changed through hypnotherapy. A wonderful program with comprehensive content and easily accessible explanations. I highly recommend this site and program!

This story came from Eric Guthman from Los Angeles, California, USA.

"I have found a new way of helping myself, and look forward to teaching others"

Nerium Kristina

I didn't know how debilitating my fear of loud noises was, until new neighbours moved in. I have fibromyalgia (25yrs), cPTSD and PTSD. I have good therapy and good self care, but in a severe panic I found Uncommon Hypnosis online. It played such a big part of me working my way through the situation, I have just enrolled in a Clinical Hypnotherapy Diploma course here in Australia. The neighbours have settled, and I have found a new way of helping myself, and look forward to teaching others, particularly around pain and trauma.

This story came from Nerium Kristina from Cowra, Australia.

"Makes it super easy for anybody to understand and absorb properly the content"

Rebeca Perea

The Uncommon Hypnosis program is another amazing program from this site that has blown my mind one more time because of the thorough explanations, latest research, and easy to understand format with audios, videos, and PDFs, which makes it super easy for anybody to understand and absorb properly the content, even to make you shift things in yourself! I think it is the best personal development and also professional product that I have found in my life and also the best value for money! MANY THANKS ONE MORE TIME!

This story came from Rebeca Perea from Wales, Cardiff.

"There is an infinite amount of knowledge and wisdom for all to have"

Derbhla Esler

Since I found Uncommon Hypnosis online (when searching for a hypnosis script idea), I haven't looked back. I am completely hooked. The team at Uncommon Hypnosis have simplified hypnosis in such a way that no matter what the experience of the therapist, there is an infinite amount of knowledge and wisdom for all to have. The generosity of the entire team at Uncommon Knowledge, knows no bounds! Having completed a number of the courses offered, I feel more and more equipped to offer my clients the best quality hypnotherapy.

This story came from Derbhla Esler from Ireland.

"A transformative experience"

Aleksandra Drozd

I found Uncommon Hypnosis to be quite a transformative experience. As a psychotherapist it bridged some gaps for me, and helped me get a much clearer understanding and use of the unconscious mind. It has been a wonderful portal to deepen my work, both personally and with clients.

This story came from Aleksandra Drozd from Toronto, Canada.

"It has helped me tremendously in being able to focus and to be much more positive."

Lindsey Sanderson

I found Uncommon Hypnosis very good. The presentation is great and I could easily relate to the sessions. It has helped me tremendously in being able to focus and to be much more positive. I am still working through the course and have a lot of work to do on it, but I have already put quite a lot into practice. I have learnt a great deal from the video sessions.

And I am really grateful for the help I received from the support team when the discs I ordered were lost in the post.

This story came from Lindsey Sanderson from Haenertsburg, South Africa.

"Uncommon Hypnosis is awesome as it is very well written and easy to follow, leaving me with a want to learn it in more detail."

Ilona Clail

Uncommon Hypnosis is awesome as it is very well written and easy to follow, leaving me with a want to learn it in more detail. My downloads are new and I have spent little time on them as I am focussing on the courses first.

However, I have found that their titles are impacting on my life. By focussing on which download I want, the title sticks with me in my living and bolts me into action. That is the effect of the titles at work! Can't wait to have time to try out the actual downloads. I think the incentives offered are great - money saving schemes always welcome. An excellent site, full of help - a lot of it free. Very impressed.

This story came from Ilona Clail.

"The course is amazing, and I love how easy it is to learn from Mark Tyrell. His approach to explaining hypnosis was like a myth buster for me."

Bev Jepson

The course is amazing, and I love how easy it is to learn from Mark Tyrell. His approach to explaining hypnosis was like a myth buster for me - doing away with all the wrong information I had accumulated on the topic. What a great way to demystify the perplexing things in your own life and help other people as well!

This story came from Bev Jepson from Texas, USA.

"I had no idea the control my thoughts and imagination had over my life."

Brian Dickinson

I am almost 72 years old. I had no idea the control my thoughts and imagination had over my life. Just learning to relax as made a tremendous difference. These are the benefits I have got from your course and tips: less cranky, more tolerant, less afraid, more loving, don't try and hide my weaknesses from my loved ones, I feel happy and contented. I am still learning from you guys. Many, many thanks!

This story came from Brian Dickinson, Melbourne, Australia.

"Uncommon Hypnosis made me realize that anything and everything is possible."

Christina Case

I had been conditioned to believe that if something didn't happen, it wasn't meant to or that if you weren't born with that talent or ability you were just out of luck. Uncommon Hypnosis made me realize that anything and everything is possible. It was a huge epiphany for me. I have already ordered some hypnosis downloads and will be ordering more. Thanks. I appreciate that such a website exists.

This story came from Christina Case, Somerset, Kentucky, USA.

"Mind opening"

These courses I took are eye opening, better said mind opening. With great satisfaction I can say that this knowledge and information are must have if you are interested in partaking into caring professions or being a therapist. Great improvement on self knowledge and those of others. Highly recommended.

This story came from Marko Tivanovac from Vukovar, Croatia.

"I'm only on session 2 of the course, but already feel the results of this program."

I'm only on session 2 of the course, but already feel the results of this program. I'm using it for self hypnosis. I find that I'm more aware of others' feelings when describing experiences. I'm talking less and listening more. I feel calmer and more self assured. Thank you!

This story came from Bonnie J who is a teacher from Southwest, USA.

"Left me keen to continue with further training"

Really good course that has left me keen to continue with further training. I learned so much, both about the practice in itself and about myself along the way. Learning is always exciting for me and this course has left me feeling determined to explore more.

This story came from Jeanne Hitching from Devon, UK.

"You provide me with everything that I was looking for and much more"

I started the online course as revision to support the course that I studied back in the 90s and when I got to the third module, have been diverted to all the information that you provide. I've been like a kid in a lolly shop getting my teeth in the info that you keep bombarding me with. You provide me with everything that I was looking for and much more. To date I'm enjoying every moment of the Uncommon Hypnosis Course and am extremely grateful to Roger and Mark.

This story came from Tom Morony from Adelaide, South Australia.

"This course ironed out a few things I hadn't quite got the hang of"

I had done a short in-person course before, but I found that this course ironed out a few things I hadn't quite got the hang of and clarified some of the language that is effective. I will have to keep practicing, but this is a resource I will be able to turn to time and time again!

This story came from Phillip Spear from Auckland, New Zealand.

"I'm excited about all the possibilities that I have just begun to explore."

Relaxation that carries over into every thing you do each and every day. The biggest personal change was giving my daughter advice she asked for without being invested in whether she acted on the advice or not. I'm excited about all the possibilities that I have just begun to explore.

Anonymous, Counsellor, Winnipeg, Canada.

"I believe I have discovered a knew passion."

Uncommon Hypnosis was fascinating and helpful. It has given me a productive view into ones mind. Through this course I have discovered a lot about myself and how I deal with situations. I believe I have discovered a knew passion. If you just want to understand yourself or want the beginning stages of a new career this is a great course to start with.

Ally, Artist.

"Improvements seem to have come about without conscious effort upon my part. That is a real gain."

Today I heard the radio news talking of university students taking "study drugs" to improve their academic performance. These drugs were largely unlicensed and potentially dangerous.

The Uncommon Hypnosis course offers huge potential for self improvement in a safe, drug-free environment. Many of the changes are very subtle, but nevertheless real and important. Since listening to the "Believe in Yourself" induction, for example, I have reorganised my finances and changed a number of firms providing services to me. Telephone conversations have always been a cause of tension for me, until now, when I realised that I negotiated a number of contracts over the phone without giving it a second thought. In one instance, I calmly resisted the bullying sales tactics from a major corporation and brought the negotiations to a successful conclusion.

These improvements seem to have come about without conscious effort upon my part. That is a real gain.

For many years I have had a number of dreams and ambitions, but never acted upon them, until recently. I am now following these dreams and have been doing so for the last few months. It is still early, but each day I take another step towards my goals and when the inevitable set-back arises, I simply do as the song suggests, "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again." I am dedicated to the idea of lifetime learning and intend to carry on using hypnosis as the basis and foundation of this strategy by starting each day with a "guided meditation" in the form of an induction from those nice people at Uncommon Knowledge. Thank you to Mark, Roger and company.

Anonymous, Birmingham, England.

"Well-designed course has given me many practical tools."

I am a personal coach with a degree in Psychology, an author and a mindfulness teacher. I took this course because I understand just how powerful our subconscious mind is. Understanding hypnosis (and self-hypnosis) is the key to changing any behaviours or habits that don't serve us anymore. This well-designed course has given me many practical tools, and I find myself using the "hypnotic language" in most of my writing and audio programs now! That was an unexpected bonus. Thank you Mark and Roger!

Lise Villeneuve, Alberta, Canada.

"The course has added so very much to my own self-esteem."

I am a Nurse Practitioner experienced in hypnotherapy, however I felt that I needed "words" to fill out my own scripts. The course has added so very much to my own self-esteem. In addition, the extra bonus was that you are sending frequent e-mails that are so completely encouraging. Thank you!

Kathy McD. PMHNP-BC, Nurse Practitioner, New York, USA.

"The power to be able to change your own life and help others is both fascinating and fantastic."

The power to be able to change your own life and help others is both fascinating and fantastic. If only we could all gather the knowledge that is shared through Uncommon Hypnosis I am pretty sure we would all work together to make the world a better place!

Tracey, Hypnotherapist, Perthshire, Scotland.

"Information is clear and logical with no psychobabble."

The information is clear and logical with no psychobabble, similar to the Humans Givens which I have worked with since my training many years ago. I love the friendly way in which it's presented and it feels comforting for myself who gets stressed and in the past have suffered with severe panic attacks. I have found it invaluable to my work as a hypnotherapist and it has given me confidence in my work.

Tracy Dyson, Kent, England.

"Uncommon Hypnosis course helped to discover new possibilities to improve my own life."

The Uncommon Hypnosis course helped to discover new possibilities to improve my own life and that of those I come in contact with. From better sleep, to feeling calmer and more relaxed to feeling more determined to succeed with certain things in my life... The course as well as the downloads offer wonderful possibilities for sustainable change.

Beate Schneeberg, Switzerland.

"It has helped me relax and focus much better..."

It has helped me relax and focus much better as well as have more confidence already in a few short weeks of using the techniques.

Tim Jacobson, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

"I have reached parts of myself which I did not know."

With the Uncommon Hypnosis techniques I have reached parts of myself which I did not know and even would never thought that they exist. I look forward to exploring more of my mind and the minds of others. It is very interesting to observe how things emerge like bubbles from our being in deep relaxation. I wonder where is the limit.

Georg Werner Kohlmeyer, Córdoba, Argentina.

I love to learn but I find it hard to stay interested if the subject matter is dull or unclear. Uncommon Hypnosis resources are neither of these things.

Tegan Morris, Hamilton, New Zealand.

"Fascinating reading that everyone should experience to improve their lives on one level or another."

Huge amount of knowledge on the site, fascinating reading that everyone should experience to improve their lives on one level or another. I was already studying for a hypnotherapy diploma elsewhere but have found the resources on this site far more extensive and invaluable, absolutely love it!

Elaine Moore, Cornwall, England.

"I personally feel this was money well spent and recommend it to anyone with an interest in Hypnotherapy."

I am a certified Hypnotherapist/Massage Therapist in the United States and used this class as a refresher class after being retired for a few years. The class is very effective and professional. The CD is well done and I use it when I am stressed. I personally feel this was money well spent and recommend it to anyone with an interest in Hypnotherapy and Alternative Health Care.

Charles Cullinane, DSc. (AM), Rockford, Illinois, USA.

"Having the discs and books that I can take away and watch them over and over is a great help."

I work away on a cruise ship as an Assistant Entertainment Manager. I found, having a lot of staff who are young and away from home for the first time, that this course has been a huge help for me to talk to them and put their minds at rest about being away from family, etc. Also having the discs and books that I can take away and watch them over and over is a great help as I do not have great internet.

Paul Burton, English living in Spain.

"The conversational approach to hypnosis which they use is natural and soothing."

I can highly recommend Uncommon Hypnosis to anyone who wishes to improve stress reduction and promote deep, prolonged sleep. The conversational approach to hypnosis which they use is natural and soothing. The Uncommon Hypnosis course provides clear explanations and demonstrations of principles and language techniques useful in therapeutic practice or for self care. I have recommended Uncommon Hypnosis to several of my friends and colleagues.

Cay Randall-May, Ph.D., Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

"I have been able to use the training to be more focused, in control and much...much happier."

In 1988, I gave up smoking using a self-hypnotic recording and it worked for me then, and recently when I recognized I had some problems, I thought I would give it a go again. I have completed the Uncommon Knowledge online course work which I found was very fascinating, it gave me a better understanding of how things work and I have been practicing the techniques on myself every day, with a great deal of success.

Apart from me noticing an almost instant difference in myself, my family, colleagues, and close friends have noticed as well. I am really pleased with the course and how I have been able to use the training to be more focused, in control and much...much happier. Those things that used to annoy or upset me, and send me into a rage, no longer have any effect on me at all.

Fantastic! Thank you, Uncommon Knowledge.

Anonymity Requested

"One can do no better than undertake the online courses offered by Uncommon Knowledge"

I not only recommend Uncommon Hypnosis to anybody with problems who have tried and exhausted all means of treatments without success, but to all who wish to combine an understanding of hypnosis together with the desire to become practitioners in order to help others by the use of hypnotherapy.

The whole course is not only concise and constructed so well, but also manages to convey the strong feeling that you CAN and WILL overcome whatever your problem may be by the use of hypnosis. The manner in which the presentations were conducted was excellent.

One can do no better than undertake the online courses offered by Uncommon Knowledge.

This story came from Raymond Kingsley from Essex, England.

"I noticed one of my students making a small mistake - something I would never point out - not wanting to offend them. Without even a thought, I walked over and 'gently' pointed out the mistake and they were incredibly grateful for my doing so."

I have grown up (the last 54 years) a people pleaser. I was not happy unless everyone else was happy - and I mean everyone. I am almost through the 10 Steps to Absolute Assertiveness course (hypnotherapy), and I am already exhibiting improved behavior - less people pleasing and more assertiveness. For example, in one of my training classes last week, I noticed one of my students making a small mistake - something I would never point out - not wanting to offend them. Without even a thought, I walked over and 'gently' pointed out the mistake and they were incredibly grateful for my doing so. We both felt great fixing the small mistake. There are many other examples, but this one was my favorite. I would never have done so without Uncommon Hypnosis. Thanks so very much!

This story came from Steve Monroe from Ferndale, Washington.

"Since receiving your course, my confidence in myself has grown hugely"

I absolutely love the hypnosis course! I'm so grateful to have come upon it. I have been training in EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) for simply ages now, without the confidence to actually get out there and practise on people. Since receiving your course, my confidence in myself has grown hugely and I'm now openly putting myself "out there". I'm reading your books as well - A Helping Hand: How to Build Self Esteem in Others and New Ways of Seeing: The Art of Therapeutic Reframing - and they are a big help. I'm looking forward to incorporating your language from your books into my work and being able to get some of your downloads for hypnosis on different topics. Thank you so much for all the effort you and your team put into this.

This story came from Shirley.

"I found the use of the videos, the examples, so valuable...it was like seeing the words come alive..."

I found Mark Tyrrell via YouTube.... I then got into Uncommon Hypnosis as I was looking to understand some techniques which I learnt in my course. I found the use of the videos, the examples, so valuable...it was like seeing the words come alive...The text is simple and informative, the videos are fantastic and then the exercises help to embed the learning.

This story came from Anna Biavati-Smith from Edinburgh, Scotland.

"I would wholeheartedly recommend this programme"

Clear, concise, delivers what it says it will with humour and expertise. I would wholeheartedly recommend this programme to anyone who is just starting out and exploring hypnosis.

This story came from Vicky Etchells from Victoria, BC, Canada.

"My concentration is better and my emotional states are better managed"

Before discovering Uncommon Hypnosis, like many other people I considered hypnosis to be great only if you wanted to stand on one leg and bark like a constipated chicken! But having employed several of the downloads, my concentration is better and my emotional states are better managed because I now understand that I was doing 'negative self-hypnosis. I've already shared your website with a colleagues. Keep up the great work.

This story came from Jason Meyer from Adelaide, Australia.

"When I have worked my way through this and done the exercises I feel sure my delivery will have improved markedly."

I have been studying NLP for some time and understand the terms. I found it particularly helpful with the videos on the disc and the way the particular steps were happening - e.g. embedded commands and it was really helpful to see how you delivered the embedded commands and I have been practising this. Excellent course and when I have worked my way through this and done the exercises I feel sure my delivery will have improved markedly and I look forward to the next step.

This story came from Marg Hobby from Aldinga Beach, South Australia.

"I was impressed by the easiness of the method and especially the psychology briefing at the beginning of each recording."

I had been introduced to hypnosis in 1974 on a weekend course called Psychosomatic Control as at that time Hypnosis had more misconceptions than today. When I discovered Uncommon Knowledge, I was impressed by the easiness of the method and especially the psychology briefing at the beginning of each recording. I find this very helpful to get the understanding. It gives more confidence to let go the old thinking pattern and achieve results more quickly.

I really do appreciate the contact to keep with me as a customer after buying your products. I do really feel the concern for my wellbeing. Thank you!!!

This story came from Ronald Beland from Quebec, Canada.

"It was this course that helped cause my brain shift from using hypnosis for personal use to considering hypnotherapy as my next career."

This was the second hypnosis course I had signed up for and I found it very helpful. In fact, it was this course that helped cause my brain shift from using hypnosis for personal use to considering hypnotherapy as my next career. The course is comprehensive and practical. I progressed through it with a mounting sense of excitement as my questions were answered one after another. Worth the cost.

This story came from E.J Wilson from Smith, Nottingham, UK.

"I've received more from this online course that I find much easier to understand than 250 hours of classroom instruction"

I have purchased several downloads from Hypnosis Downloads over the years that I found very helpful and actually encouraged me to take a certification course in hypnotherapy... 250 hours worth! I really struggled with the confidence to really feel effective as it was the old school teachings as opposed to the conversational approach. When I saw this course advertised, I thought, what the heck, I'll see if it's for me.... and what a difference!

The explanation of the REM sleep, the general ease in TALKING people into hypnosis with what really is general conversation has made all the difference in the world! I felt more comfortable with it immediately and it's work very well with my clients....especially people leery of being hypnotized at all. I've received more from this online course that I find much easier to understand than 250 hours of classroom instruction.

Thank you so much, Mark and company!

This story came from Kathy Helmig from Alberta, Canada.

"Uncommon Hypnosis is my 'ready reference' for practical, easily understood explanations of all aspects of the human condition - and aren't we many faceted!"

Uncommon Hypnosis is my 'ready reference' for practical, easily understood explanations of all aspects of the human condition - and aren't we many faceted! Along with the background understanding provided, step by step assistance in the application of measures to move forward are available, either for individual use or as part of a well structured course. Articles continually provide useful tips.

UH is a service-oriented organisation - both through the web and direct office contact. In all ways the Uncommon Hypnosis is extremely supportive of all clients.

This story came from Trish Miller from Australia.

"I appreciate the demonstrations and the downloads which make it good value and entertaining"

I found the Uncommon Hypnosis course more effective than most courses because of the combination of different learning techniques, and the short, easy to take in sections. I appreciate the demonstrations and the downloads which make it good value and entertaining, and Mark's communication skills are unsurpassed. Thankyou!

This story came from Helen Angus from Crieff, Scotland.

"It was with great surprise and delight that Uncommon Hypnosis hit me on the side of the head at virtually every point."

I've read a dozen books about hypnosis over the years. So when I was searching for an online course, I had limited expectations and supposed that I would already be quite familiar with the techniques that I would be taught. So it was with great surprise and delight that Uncommon Hypnosis hit me on the side of the head at virtually every point. There were so many insights, epiphanies, and paradigm-changers that I was blown away at every turn. I was completely satisfied with this course in every way! The certification courses offered by the Guild of Hypnotists in the US are simply not as good as this course. Totally recommended!

Anonymity Requested.

This program was one of those rare purchases that lived up to expectations.

Anonymity Requested

"It is truly uncommon"

I have used Uncommon Hypnosis for quite a while now. I have looked at other hypnosis sites but have found nothing to compare to Uncommon Hypnosis. It is truly uncommon. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor. I have used quite a few scripts to help my clients with relaxation, depression, self esteem, fear of bridges, fear of needles, confidence, and fear of public speaking to mention a few. I will continue to use Uncommon Hypnosis.

There is no risk as you can get your money back if you are not satisfied.

This story came from Beverly Mason from LPC, PC Rome, Georgia.

"This has been the most useful of all because of the clarity of exposition and practical application"

The definition of the term utilization was most helpful and how it is used in inductions. Another helpful thing was that using the staircase induction counting on the exhale because the exhale engaged the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system was a useful fact.

Finally, the demonstrations of inductions was helpful especially observing Mark saying "that's it" when the person was REMing. I found this was a helpful model that was useful with my own clients. I have been going to hypnosis workshops for 35 years. This has been the most useful of all because of the clarity of exposition and practical application. I plan to follow up with the advanced course.

Thank you Mark and your helpers.

Anonymity Requested

If you want to learn hypnosis, this is the best system I've found so far. Everything is excellently explained, demonstrated and documented.

This story came from Andrew Hayhurst from Northampton, UK.

I have found Uncommon Hypnosis a well run and valuable resource of information. I frequently recommend their site and their Hypnosis Downloads to friends and clients.

Anonymity Requested

"Your particular combination of these make the task of figuring out people and myself as well, much easier to understand and practical to learn"

I've read lots of books on hypnosis, NLP and psychology, and your particular combination of these make the task of figuring out people and myself as well, much easier to understand and practical to learn. Better and more understanding of ourselves and others, and quality comunication tools are key to improvement in all areas of life and indeed, make the world a better place. :)

This story came from Mark Butts from Illinois, USA.

"I personally find it can produce the desired result speedily, economically, & comfortably."

I personally find it can produce the desired result speedily, economically, & comfortably. The course was my introduction which I found was so well produced something which added to the ease of understanding & applying.

This story came from Frank Cervetto from Australia.

I found Uncommon Hypnosis to be very user friendly and good value. The customer service is second to none.

This story came from Keith Travis from Lowestoft, Sufflok, UK.

Uncommon Hypnosis has helped me in many ways and I would recommend it to others who are willing to take the leap of faith.

This story came from Alice D LaPier from USA.

"What a great company... wishing you a great future, as you are helping to enhance mine"

Uncommon Knowledge clears the ground ahead for real change in how we all deal our everyday and deeper issues. No nonsense, effective and caring therapy. Incredible support team too, engaging and personally responsible. What a great company... wishing you a great future, as you are helping to enhance mine.

This story came from Julie Bridson RN from Ontario, Canada.

Mark Tyrrell, Co-Founder of Hypnosis Downloads & Uncommon Knowledge Ltd.

Stories like these are what keep us motivated to teach hypnosis, and we've seen thousands more like them over the years. I hope I've convinced you to learn hypnosis so you can use this 'superpower' for yourself - it's the most important life skill I know.

To your hypnotic ability,


P.S. I know this seems a crazy low price for a course that can give you so much, but I wanted to get as many people learning hypnosis as possible. So give it a try - I promise a whole new world is going to open up to you - every day will be full of opportunities to use your new hypnosis skills. And of course you get our usual rock-solid guarantee. I'll see you in the course!


Uncommon Hypnosis is discounted until October 31st

Instant access to the course online

Get started right away with the online version of our course
Instant access to the Uncommon Hypnosis course online

Instant access to the full course on our online training platform Uncommon U

Works on all computers, smartphones, and tablets

Read more four powerful stories from our customers about how hypnosis helped them

Renee Keltner's story: Exhausted and addicted


Hypnosis Downloads has changed my life. I am so grateful for this website and all the people working behind the scenes to make these downloads available. I am forever thankful to all of you.

My story is a complicated one, and I'm not even sure where to start. So bear with me, and try to stay with me. I came to Hypnosis Downloads tired and stressed out, looking for hope. I was referred by a friend who has used self hypnoses successfully. She told me that self hypnoses may be the tool that I was looking for to help. Boy, was she right!

My first downloads were the Ten Minute Power Nap and Patient Parenting. See my husband serves in the United States Army and I have two autistic daughters. They are the light of my life, buy they are an emotional and physical drain on me. I have spent my entire life dedicating my all to getting them the best services they need to succeed in life. It has been tough, but the payoff has been great. I also stand by my husband proud of all he does. But his service also takes its toll on me. i wouldn't trade my life for anything, please don't get me wrong, I was just tired, and still am.

About three years and a half years ago I started having severe health problems. After multiple rounds of doctor appointments, and many lab tests, and endless specialists they all came to the same conclusion; I was sleep deprived and just tired. For three years I have heard over and over that I have Chronic Fatigue and I just need to get more sleep. That this is just my life because I have special needs kids. I knew there was more to it than that, but the doctors could never seem to look past my life circumstances of autistic kids, and a husband that served in the army, and is often away. They continued to run the same tests over and over, and kept prescribing me sleeping pills to help me get more sleep.

Fast forward three years... I was addicted to sleeping pills, walking with mobility aids, some days confined to my bed. My husband lived across the country and I had lost all hope. I was frustrated with my children and tired. Very Tired! That was when my friend suggested Hypnosis Downloads. Self-hypnosis has turned my life upside-down, for the better. Patient Parenting helped me in my relationship with my kids, and the Ten minute Power nap helped give me that little boost in the day whenever I needed it. I had hope again.

It made such a difference that I decided I was ready to tackle my sleeping pill addiction. I knew in my heart that my health issues were not a matter of lack of sleep, and the sleeping pills were not helping me. So it was time to get rid of them. So get rid of them I did. I quit the sleeping pills cold turkey with the help of Fall Asleep Fast from Hypnosis Downloads. I haven't looked back. And I haven't taken a sleeping pill since.

I now live near family, and my husband is still across the country getting ready for an overseas tour with the army. I am raising the kids on my own. But with hope. I have a civilian doctor this time, who believes me. He has run many tests and has discovered that not only do I have Fibromyalgia, but that I also have Systemic lupus erythematosus (Lupus). I have downloaded many Self-Hypnosis downloads to help me manage everything; from my outlook on life with living with a chronic illness, to my eating habits, to managing pain.

Hypnosis downloads has changed my life. I am so grateful for this website and all the people working behind the scenes to make these downloads available. I am forever thankful to all of you. But most off all I am thankful to my friend, for without her, I'm not sure I would have found hope again.

Katie Embick's story: Homeless, jobless and alone


I was at the bottom of the barrel... I had been kicked out of my house, gotten my second DUI, lost my job and had no family near me

I am an alcoholic, I say that because its not a disease you ever just stop having. However I am an 18 1/2 months sober alcoholic that's to Perfect Partners: Diminish Alcohol Abuse + Stay Off Alcohol. I was about 3 months into outpatient rehab and I was still drinking and hiding it. Always thinking I was getting away with it.

Then it hit me, hypnosis. I had worked with a hypnotist during high school and college while I was playing golf and planning to pursue a career in it. After some research I came across hypnosis downloads and Perfect Partners: Diminish Alcohol Abuse + Stay Off Alcohol. I downloaded it onto my ipod and would listen every night before going to bed. I would say it took about a month and I woke up one day and just had no desire to drink. That was 18 months ago.

For some people they think wow I wake up everyday and don't have a desire to drink. For an alcoholic that is our first thought. I was at the bottom of the barrel, i literally had a friend pay for the downloads because I didn't have the money. I had been kicked out of my house, gotten my second dui, lost my job and had no family near me cause I had moved to Colorado with my boyfriend (after 4 years of drinking and lying he kicked me out). I woke up each morning before Perfect Partners: Diminish Alcohol Abuse + Stay Off Alcohol and my first thought was where was I going to get something to drink today?

I have told so many people about your products. I even played them for my rehab classmates. I truly have Hypnosis downloads to thank! I am sober, engaged (we got back together), have a great job, am genuinely happy and I have no problem being around alcohol, so I can go out with friends and still have a good time, a good sober time. I never thought I would be in the place I am today. So thank you, your product truly changed my life!!!

Richard Lamb's story: Recovery from a near-fatal climbing accident


A hypnotherapist enabled me to overcome the fear and anger I experienced through working with the emotional trauma.

  1. Climbing a winter mountaineering route in Feb 2001 - Tower Ridge, on Ben Nevis - with two friends, Neil and Andy.

  2. While Andy declined to continue with the route, Neil and I pressed on. 90% of the difficult sections lay at the top of the route, on a section called the Great Tower. Approximately 30-40 metres of the c.600 metre-long route lay head. We successfully navigated these sections, and my last memory that day was to crack a joke to Neil, feel the wind pick up over my right shoulder (a similar feeling just before the motorcyle crash), then woke up 13 days later in Southern Glasgow Hospital's ICU. Neil was killed during the c.800 foot fall; I held on through temperatures reaching -21 Celcius until Lochaber Mountain Rescue Team reached our position the following morning.

  3. Spent 3.5 months in hospital, learning how to walk, think (due to a near-fatal skull fracture) and live again.

  4. Walked out of the burns unit (the closest thing the NHS has to treating frost-bite!) in Manchester - where most of my family were living - in June 15 2001.

  5. Moved into my own bungalow in Glossop, where one of my sisters lived, in Feb 2002, to work out what was next in my life.

  6. Received my Motability car in early April 2002, which 'gave me wings'!

  7. Visited the folks at Lochaber MRT and staff at Fort William's A&E who saved my life (arguably the finest mountain trauma clinic outside of Chamonix!) in August 2002, and celebrated Life with them by taking a crate of Highland Park single malt whiskey to share ;{D

  8. Didn't fancy being on state benefit for the rest of my days, so I invested my savings into retraining for a career in IT. Was accepted by UMIST, and started the conversion MSc in Computation Sept 2002.

  9. Gained access to a Hypnotherapist via the NHS to enable me to overcome the fear and anger I experienced through working with the emotional trauma.

  10. While finishing the MSc for June 2004, I started working part-time as a sales assistant at Cotswold Outdoor in January. By early Feb I started having dreams, which I couldn't recall, though the meaning was clear; Return to Tower Ridge. I planned and orchestrated the return to the tower for mid-June 2004. I utilised self-hypnosis, positive affirmations and visualisation through my preparations. To cut a long story short, me and Andy - who had identified Neil's body the following day we were rescued - reclimbed the route, 'slayed the dragon', and returned to the Ben Nevis Inn to celebrate. Neither of us have looked back since (Andy is now a UAV submarine freelance pilot, involved in gas and oil exploration, now living in the Languedoc. I will be visiting him in the summer of 2014 as part of a cycling holiday.

  11. I now run my own Transformational Life Coaching clinic in central Nottingham, as part of a teach of holistic healthcare practitioners.

Sarah Ridenbaugh's story: Homeless, helpless and hopeless


I have been given my life back and that gift is priceless. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Hypnosis has completely changed my life. I came from a broken family that didn't instill positive behaviours, thought process, or self esteem. My development was severely stunted. I was at a point where I wasn't sure what was right or wrong. I didn't know what to do.

My life never changed the way I wanted it to. I tried counseling, self-help books, moving, you name it, but the cycle continued. I stumbled upon hypnosisdownloads.com and haven't steered away since.

I was homeless, helpless, and hopeless but now thanks to hypnosisdownloads.com feel empowered, positive, and determined to make my dreams come true. I finally broke the cycle. I've learned to trust, believe, and enjoy the adventure. I have been given my life back and that gift is priceless. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Uncommon Hypnosis is discounted until October 31st

Instant access to the course online

Get started right away with the online version of our course
Instant access to the Uncommon Hypnosis course online

Instant access to the full course on our online training platform Uncommon U

Works on all computers, smartphones, and tablets