Author Archive for mark.tyrrell

How to Pass Your Driving Test

I had expected to pass my driving test the first time, but as the little old lady dived out the way like a stunt extra from a Die Hard movie, doubt began to creep in. I swerved and she leapt, somersaulting down a grassy knoll (I exaggerate slightly).

Spotting Nervous Breakdown Symptoms

"She's had a nervous breakdown!" Half whispers, hushed tones, fear; something strange, to my young mind, had happened to "the woman down the street at number 36." I had no idea what a nervous breakdown was or what the symptoms were, but I sensed it was an awful, mysterious, terrifying thing.

6 Key Social Skills

Social skills are arguably the most important set of abilities a person can have.

Male Sexual Enhancement Techniques

"I was the first woman George ever slept with. I'm far more sexually experienced than him, but it feels ridiculous telling him what to do. He's got no idea! He's clumsy, sometimes he can't get it up at all, or he ejaculates in less time than it takes the kettle to boil!"

How to Drift Off to Sleep Effortlessly

What makes you happy? Riches? Beautiful clothes? Come on, we can do better than that. What about wonderful experiences? A glimpse of sunshine gently sliding though winter trees? A job well done? A skill mastered? Shared time with a friend or lover? Skipping through a meadow?