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The power of hypnosis

john scofeld's picture


I've read many a time articles and had emails from your site for a while now and am contemplating parting with my hard-earned money.

I suppose a broad question would be: if it works as well as your literature and Mark's emails suggest, then could we all not be superhuman in ALL areas of our lives?

Does it work for everyone? And if not, why not?

If this is as powerful as you constantly read about on your site and in Mark's emails, why is it not implemented by our health system or even part of learning at school? Why is it not encouraged more in the general mainstream of life?


Rebekah Hall's picture

Hi John,

Thank you for your question. My apologies for the delay in getting back to you; I've been quite busy lately and wanted to give your questions an appropriately thoughtful response.

It's good to hear you find our articles and emails interesting. :) I hope we're not giving the impression that we're aiming to create superhumans, however. Hypnosis certainly is an incredibly powerful tool for becoming the best version of ourselves we can be (ugh, that sounds self-help buzzwordy, apologies), but I don't know that it can grant superhuman powers.

Hypnosis does work for everyone, especially as it's our natural learning state and we automatically and naturally enter hypnotic states throughout the day. But, as with most things, the exact same approach (or way of 'doing' hypnosis) will not work equally well for 100% of people. Which is part of the reason why we offer our 90-day money back guarantee on all of our products. Our recordings are developed and written to appeal to the widest audience possible, but some people will prefer or respond better to another style of hypnosis or may even need to consult a therapist in person who can personalize the session to the client's individual needs and hypnotic ability.

Your next set of questions, "If this is as powerful as you constantly read about on your site and in Mark's emails, why is it not implemented by our health system or even part of learning at school? Why is it not encouraged more in the general mainstream of life?", are questions that I ask all the time. In my opinion, schools should be teaching these things! :) Some schools have started teaching kids mindfulness and meditation (which is very close to the same thing) and showing good results for the students. And hypnosis is a way of gaining control over things we previously thought couldn't be controlled, like our emotions, stress response, fears, panic attacks, thoughts, ability to concentrate, and so on. If we all started to learn these things from a young age, how might that affect the world?

The basic problem for getting wider acceptance of hypnosis, I believe, is that it's still plagued by misunderstandings, misconceptions, and incorrect beliefs about what it is and what it can do. For a start, the old authoritarian, 'you are getting sleepy' style of hypnosis that doesn't work for everyone (because many of us don't like to be told what to do!) led to the belief that not everyone can be hypnotized, even though hypnosis is a natural state for most animals (including humans). And then there are 'entertainment' stage shows and films/TV shows that still perpetuate the idea that hypnosis is a form of mind control. I've also fielded many questions - in this, the 21st century - from religious people who've heard from well-meaning but misguided clergy that hypnosis is a way for "evil to enter their souls". But once upon a time, these same problems plagued meditation and that's now being taught in schools, so can it only be a matter of time? :)

I hope you'll give hypnosis a try, whether you purchase one of our programs, see a therapist, or even buy from someone else. Find what works best for you! For a start, you might check out our free 'Learn Hypnosis' video course, a primer on what hypnosis is and how it works. Or I've tagged below a program I quite like for your consideration.

Best wishes,

Uncommon Care Team

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