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Get sick every time I try to build my business

loica simoneau's picture

Hi Rebekah,

What would you recommend?

For the last couple years, every time I try and work on my business - and it's time to put myself out there - I get sick.

Most of my job is to reach out, public speaking, marketing, sales.

If I work at home with no attempt to put myself out there, I'm fine. But as soon as I need to create videos or recordings, reach out to potential client, or accept a client, I get sick.

It's always with the airway. In the past, I have had cold/flus that no one else in my family got. Lost my voice for several weeks.

I'm currently working with constant asthma for over a month, where no amount of medicine will totally control it.

The only time symptoms disappear is when I "give up" and stop working on my plans. Then within days, sometimes, even hours, I feel better. But this time, I'm not ready to let go. I need to make it work and would love any suggestions available to actually make it happen.


Rebekah Hall's picture

Hi Loica,

Thank you for your question.

It sounds like a couple of possible things are happening here. Either you're psychosomatically developing illness as a way of avoiding working on building your business or the stress involved in that is lowering your immune function and making you more vulnerable to viruses or bacteria. Neither of these things is all that uncommon, the latter easy to see in any statistics analysis of the prevalence of stress-related illnesses.

On the former note, I remember one day when I was a teenager, I didn't feel up to going into the retail job I held at the time and working the same shift as my nightmarish boss. The more I thought about going to work that day, the more nauseated I felt, until I was convinced I was genuinely sick. But the minute I got off the phone after calling in sick, I started feeling better. Of course, then I felt guilty, which made me feel sick again!

The point is, our mental state has a huge effect on our physical health. Stress can wear us down and make it easier for illness to strike, but we can also feel sick (whether or not anything physical has caused it) because we emotionally and/or psychologically feel sick.

So you could think about what's holding you back from building your business to the point that being sick is preferable to doing the work. Are you afraid of putting yourself out there, only to fail? Does the workload seem insurmountable? Or is something else going on? (No need to answer me, that Q&A is for you.)

I hope one or more of the downloads below resonates with and is of help to you. (Also, it might be worth looking at Promote Your Business.)

Best wishes,

Uncommon Care Team