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3 New Scripts - Inspired Minds March 2021 - Hypnosis Newsletter

Monthly Newsletter

March 28, Issue 188
Mark Tyrrell

Hi [First Name]

Our free Audio Insight this month is on that now-famous psychological pitfall, the Dunning-Kruger effect. In short, it's the tendency to be confident about topics that you, in fact, know little about. Knowing how it works is a great way to stop it getting you in hot water! Listen here.

The first of the new scripts for March is Be Internally Motivated. Rather than being driven by outside rewards or compliments, internal motivation is the secret of success - getting it done for its own sake. It's the ultimate procrastination killer.

Then we have Overcome Fear of Giving Birth, for women who are struggling with the idea of birth, whether pregnant or not.

And the last new script for the month is Overcome Meth Addiction, designed to give the addict a helping hand in their escape from this most tenacious of drugs.

We've also upgraded Develop Powerful Optimism this month - it's a perennial favourite so we thought it was time to give it a polish.

Here's the list:

  1. Be Internally Motivated - help your clients rely on themselves to keep moving forward
  2. Fear of Giving Birth - help your clients trust their bodies to do what only it knows how to do
  3. Overcome Meth Addiction - help your clients escape their tormentor
  4. Develop Powerful Optimism - an upgrade to this popular script.

And the free Audio Insight: How to avoid falling prey to the Dunning-Kruger effect

Have a good month!


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About Hypnosis Downloads

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Hypnosis Downloads was created by the two of us - Roger Elliott and Mark Tyrrell - to provide a readily accessible source of high quality hypnosis to cover a whole range of situations that can affect everyday life and which could be used by professional therapists and individuals for self hypnosis.
As the founders of Uncommon Knowledge we train therapists in the latest methods. Not everybody has the time or the inclination to undergo this level of training but the beauty of hypnosis is that basic skills can be acquired quickly. Hypnosis Downloads helps you do that.

This month's Growth Zone winners

This month's winner for the 12 month Growth Zone membership is Jen who suggested Fear You've Done Something Wrong - congratulations Jen!
3 month membership winner:

Ryan who suggested Overcome Fear of the Police.
Publish date: 
Sunday, March 28, 2021