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3 New Sessions - Inspired Minds February 2022 - Hypnosis Newsletter

Monthly Newsletter

February 27, Issue 198
Mark Tyrrell

I've noticed that there's a wonderful freedom that comes with knowing that you'll never be liked by everyone, [First Name]. At a certain age you realize that no matter how good your intentions are, someone somewhere will attribute to you underhandedness, nefariousness or downright awfulness. And there's not a lot you can do about it. For some people the thought of being disliked is very hard to deal with though, and that's why we created 'Accept Being Disliked' this month.

A customer also asked us to create a session around walking in nature with animals, and I think the script for this is delightful. Spend some time in nature with Walk With Animals.

For some, noisy modern environments can be too much entirely, so as well as the title just mentioned, the new Sensory Overload Relief session could be very helpful.

And finally, we've got a reworking of a perennial favorite; Perseverance - Never Give Up. Despite our seeming obsession with speed at the moment, when it comes down to it, perseverance is what gets you there.

So in summary:

  1. Accept Being Disliked: Be comfortable with the fact that sometimes, some people just won't like you.
  2. Walk With Animals: Enjoy a walk in nature and learn from kind, wise animals.
  3. Sensory Overload Relief: Gain strategies to feel calm amongst chaos.
  4. Perseverance - Never Give Up (UpGrade): Keep going, no matter what.

To your inner peace,


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About Hypnosis Downloads

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Hypnosis Downloads was created by the two of us - Roger Elliott and Mark Tyrrell - to provide a readily accessible source of high quality hypnosis to cover a whole range of situations that can affect everyday life and which could be used by professional therapists and individuals for self hypnosis.
As the founders of Uncommon Knowledge we train therapists in the latest methods. Not everybody has the time or the inclination to undergo this level of training but the beauty of hypnosis is that basic skills can be acquired quickly. Hypnosis Downloads helps you do that.

This month's Growth Zone winners

This month we have no winner for the 12 month Growth Zone membership.
3 month membership winners:

Anonymous who suggested Formication Relief.

Justin who suggested Ease Male Post Catheter Pain.

Kyleigh who suggested Overcome Misokinesia.
Publish date: 
Sunday, February 27, 2022