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10 New Downloads - Inspired Minds February - Hypnosis Newsletter

Hidden Gems
Go on, treat yourself...

1 Patient Parent

2 Find a New Job

3 Awaken Intuition

4 Cultivate Compassion

5 Be a Leader

February's Top 10
The most popular purchases from this month

1 Find Your Passion

2 Meaning of Life

3 Stop Being Too Nice

4 Guided Meditation

5 Public Speaking Confidence

6 Quick Confidence Booster

7 Overcome Shyness and Social Anxiety

8 Stop Premature Ejaculation

9 Improve Concentration and Focus

10 Stop Negative Thinking

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Here are February's 10 newly recorded downloads for you:

1) Be a Team Player - use the power of many to achieve more
2) Cloud Nine - limited time download - enter your own personal heaven (only available on open site until March 3rd)
3) Empty Nest Syndrome - fill your empty nest with the promise of new life
4) Stop Feeling Trapped - learn what it takes to be truly free
5) Stop Being Paranoid - calm your mind down and get true perspective
6) Stop Compulsive Hoarding - get some space back into your life
7) Be More Tolerant - develop a gentler approach to others
8) Overcome Superstition - escape magical thinking and regain control of your life
9) Stop Bursting Zits - give skin a chance to be healthy
10) Be More Objective - stop subjectivity clouding your vision

Mark Tyrrell Mark Tyrrell


Don't you just love it when you learn something for yourself regardless of the hype or mythology surrounding it? I hope you enjoyed last months no-cost audio insight about skepticism and hypnosis. This time around we have some intriguing, useful and at least one ecstasy inducing session for you.

I'd like to take the opportunity while I'm here to mention our upcoming online courses. You can train with me and the Uncommon Knowledge team wherever in the world you are. And you can do so at a reduced rate if you book now. More info on our distance learning courses here.

Take time now to relax and scan your eyes over this month's new sessions as I describe the thought and inspiration that went into creating three of them.

All the very best,


Downloads Unwrapped - the psychology behind the sessions

We put a great deal of thought into the content of all the download sessions which are all informed by current psychological knowledge. For example we know that feeling trapped which is addressed in the Stop Feeling Trapped download can result from something called 'explanatory styles'. So someone who seems unconstrained in many aspects of their life may feel trapped-and those who seem trapped to others, such as the Jewish Psychologist Victor Frankl who was captive in Nazi concentration camps for years during WW2, may feel less confined if they adjust their psychology.

You are much more likely to feel trapped if you explain bad stuff to yourself as unchangeable, fixed and permanent and as affecting all areas of your life. You are also less likely to make positive changes because there seems no point. Depressed people often feel trapped (and of course feeling trapped is depressing) so an adjustment of attitude can help us feel less trapped but also encourage us to take control and make changes.

Talking of freeing ourselves, the Be More Objective session encourages freedom from the distortions of unhelpful emotions that may plague the 'thinking mind' when it is trying to make good decisions. We need to be 'in touch' with our emotions when, say, enjoying a romantic meal but not so much when negotiating a business deal or when making a presentation. This session encourages the capacity to exercise objectivity when needed.

And we need to be objective with others if we are to work well with them allowing for individual differences. The Be a Team Player session encourages a focus on collective strength and efficiency. If we cannot harness the power of the group all focused on a single goal then we disempower ourselves greatly. We are simply less likely to be successful, have fulfilling relationships and be able to lead if we can't generate a feeling of group interest. The most successful of people know how to harness the skills and talents of others and don't just try and do it all alone.

This month's Audio Insight - Skeptical about hypnosis? Skepticism can be useful if it is based on information and flexibility of thought. Otherwise it can be a mental strait jacket. 'Skeptical about hypnosis?' this month's free audio insight addressed skepticism. Listen to this new audio insight here.

MP3 Competition Winners

To date, we have given away over 100 MP3 players loaded with the download suggested by the winner. You can see the latest winners below. Enter today and get an extra chance to win an iPod Nano.

Winner of an iPod Nano iPod Small

  • Brian Langille from Massachusetts, USA who suggested 'Negativity Shield'
    Brian wins the iPod because his title was the biggest seller of the new titles last month - congratulations Brian!

MP3 Player Winners

26 February 2008, Issue 34
10 New Downloads
See 10 new downloads for February
No cost Audio Insight
Download 'Skeptical about Hypnosis?' now
Growth Zone

- Download & script every 2 weeks
- Discount download credits
- Your personal growth on autopilot
Join us in the Growth Zone now

Win an iPod Nano
Your Testimonial

"Hi!!! I got my Healthy Eating download last night. WOW, I have to tell you my story -- because its unreal."

"Hi!!! I got my 'Healthy Eating' download last night. WOW, I have to tell you my story -- because its unreal."

"I listened to my download the first time last night at 11 pm. I listened again this morning. I had to listen again this morning because I fell asleep half way through, but woke with a sense of having learned something. This morning I went to get my normal bowl of cereal. I usually fill the bowl to the brim. Today I shook the box and nearly 1 cup of cereal came out -- exactly 1 serving. I shook it again and only a few kernels of cereal came out. It was like my hand, the box, and the cereal all said Okay sister -- ENOUGH!"

This story came from Danna Gonzalez who is from Pennsylvania, USA.

Win a download with your story

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Publish date: 
Monday, February 25, 2008